Behind-The-Scenes At “Inside PCH”

Last Updated: February 8, 2019

“Inside PCH” has been entertaining fans and awarding tens of thousands of dollars to viewers since August 2017, but rarely have we taken a look behind-the-scenes of PCH’s popular web series to find out just how the show comes together – and how many funny moments happen that viewers never get to see. As one of the primary writers of the show, I’ve been on-hand for quite a few of the good laughs that make rehearsals almost as much fun (if not a bit more) than the actual show.

Pre-Show & Rehearsals

There’s a lot that goes into the show before we ever get to the set – and that includes coordinating between marketing departments to know what will be featured on each show, script development, graphics development, table/technical reads, and video pre-production so everyone in the studio knows what to do and when to do it. PCH’s Social Media department promotes the show via Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. And with the script in the teleprompter and Danielle, Howie, and Erica on set, the real fun begins.

Pre-show hi-jinks bring laughs for cast, crew and guests.

The Show

When I watch TV, I’m always amazed by the number of people listed in the credits and the different jobs they do. I wouldn’t say “Inside PCH” operates with a bare-bones crew, but the amount of what we accomplish with fewer people is astounding. It really is a well-orchestrated ballet with the director calling the shots in the studio, the camera operators making sure every cue is followed, and the cast reading – and adlibbing – their lines. It’s even more rewarding to watch the show as a regular viewer, all the time knowing what went into making it appear seamless. And whether we’re broadcasting live via the PCH Fan Page on Facebook or taping the show to air at a later date, the intensity always is the same.

A look inside the control room – pre-show.


One of the things I’ve enjoyed the most about working on “Inside PCH” is the professionalism of the entire cast and crew. Anxiety-inducing last-second script changes typically are offset by the joking that goes on in front of and behind the cameras; but when the countdown begins and the red light goes on for real, all of the different elements pull together for a show that appears both energetic and seamless. And we always come together at the end.

And there you have it – a small glimpse inside what it takes to write, design, produce, direct, and film “Inside PCH.” Since the show began, more than $200,000 has been awarded. To check out any episode at any time, just visit the PCH Fan Page on Facebook or the PCH YouTube channel.

Russell S.
PCH Creative

P.S. Got a comment about “Inside PCH”? Let us know what you like best, what you’d like to see, etc., in the Comments.