Behind The Scenes At Our 2015 PCH Holiday Party
It’s the holiday season – a time to enjoy with friends and family. Here at PCH, we look forward to our annual celebration with co-workers, who are like “work-family.” The 2015 PCH holiday party was filled with fun, good cheer, and a whole lot of surprises! Lucky you, since you’re a reading the PCH blog, you get a sneak peek behind the scenes!

What an event it was! Over 500 PCH employees made their way down the “red carpet” into the elegant venue. Then, we entered the gorgeous ballroom to feast on a buffet of delicious food and enjoy music, dancing and entertainment.

Oh yes, we’ll be talking about the entertainment for quite some time.
This year, we were joined by three Hollywood stars – Lady Gaga, Beyonce and Austin Powers. OK, well, not exactly stars, more like celebrity impersonators. In any event, we had a great time posing for pictures with these special guests and enjoying their antics!

This year the company also held our first-ever lip-sync competition, and eight of our brave coworkers took the stage to perform! While they were all amazing, Matt S. of Interactive Development took home first prize with his hilariously entertaining version of Mambo Number Five.

For us PCH employees, the PCH holiday party is our yearly chance to win a prize delivered by the PCH Prize Patrol, since we are not eligible to win PCH Prizes. Yes, Todd, Danielle and Howie, the newest Prize Patrol member, were on hand to award some fantastic prizes to lucky employee winners, like big-screen TV’s, a Kindle Fire, gift cards and more!

At the end of the night there was one last surprise. We were all escorted from the ballroom to into an adjoining nightclub, where we were treated to coffee, and a beautiful array of delicious desserts, and of course, more music and dancing! As always, the PCH crowd hit the dance floor and continued to dance the night away!

While all the festivities were a blast, one of the nicest parts of the 2015 PCH holiday party was getting all our “work family” from all our different locations — Long Island, New York City, Boston, Portland, Maine and San Francisco –all under one roof to spend time together. I hope you enjoyed this sneak peek behind the scenes at the PCH Holiday Party. By all accounts, it was a huge success, and we all left feeling like winners to work for such a great company.
Happy holidays!
Elaina R.
PCH Online Creative
P.S. What do you think you would have enjoyed the most at the PCH Holiday Party?