Behind the Winning Moment: Theresa Crowder

Last Updated: April 7, 2014

Hi PCH Blog readers! This is Matt K. from PCH Creative. I’m back with more winning moment stories! Instead of big SuperPrize winners, we thought we might chat with winners of smaller amounts.  But still,  these huge cash payouts would make anyone jump up and down! Here’s a look “behind the winning moment” with Publishers Clearing House winner Theresa Crowder …

Maybe you’ve heard the famous quote, “it is better to give than to receive.” Obviously that’s a motto we live by at Publishers Clearing House!  All day long, we’re giving away fantastic prizes and offering instant win opportunities.

I guess that generous attitude is rubbing off on our winners, because that’s just the stance that recent $25,000.00 winner Theresa Crowder took when she won in December 2013!

Behind the winning moment

The week before I won, I was telling a coworker that I had a dream that I had won the lottery!,” Theresa laughs.  “They responded by reminding me that you have to buy lottery tickets to win!”

Well thankfully, Theresa had already been a faithful Publishers Clearing House entrant, which we all know is 100% FREE, all day, every day!  When I asked her how she felt  when Dave Sayer showed up at her job with a Big Check, she said she “was totally shocked.”

Theresa Crowder, PCH Winner

They surprised me at my job, and I was amazed.  All of my coworkers were excited as well, even a week later.  You would have thought they had won the prize too!”

Everyone in Theresa’s life was having fun with her recent big win.  In fact, one of her good friends left a her a funny voicemail saying, “Listen Theresa, I know you have a lot of family coming out of the woodwork to ask you to borrow some money.  Well I’ll save you from that…I’m just going to ask you for money straight out!  No beating around the bush!”  Theresa says she still listens to the voicemail when she needs a good laugh!

But all joking aside, when pressed, Theresa does admit to being very generous with her money.  “The only thing I really did for myself was get a pedicure and manicure. I really felt like since I was blessed with the money, I was to be a blessing to others.  I really tried to help out people who I knew were going through a tough time financially.  My greatest joy is bringing joy to others.”

Theresa says she was taught from a young age that you should always “think of others more highly than yourself.” This is something she learns each week at her local church, and an attitude she tries to pass on to the next generation at her job, as she works in the education field.

I just didn’t want this blessing to be stuck in my own avenue.  I wanted to share it with other people.  That’s how you get blessed again!,” she explains.  “And who knows, maybe I’ll win again on February 28th!”

We at Publishers Clearing House love Theresa’s attitude and her generous spirit, and we’re sure that this part of her character will continue for years to come!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S.  In past blog posts, many of you have mentioned that you’d also want to be generous with your winnings.  Who’s the most generous person you know, and how did they affect your life?  Tell us in the comments below!


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