Catching up with June SuperPrize Winner Boris Clinton!

Last Updated: July 27, 2015

At Publishers Clearing House, it is always a pleasure for us to catch up with our SuperPrize winners. Why? Because they’re always in a good mood! So when I called Boris Clinton for his 1-month follow up interview, it was not surprising to have him tell me repeatedly, “Oh, I’m doing VERY well!”

SuperPrize Winner Boris

You may have heard how the day turned out if you read Dave Sayer’s report here on the blog, but here’s how things went from Boris’ perspective. To him, it was just a morning like any other…until he won $1 Million from Publishers Clearing House!

A web designer, Boris is able to work from home, and he doesn’t USUALLY get many visitors during the day.  So imagine his surprise when in the middle of his workday, he heard a knock on his door. He was amazed when he saw that it was the PCH Prize Patrol with a Big Check!


“I was totally caught off guard! I always felt like it would happen sometime, but I didn’t know when it was going to happen. But you have to be in it to win it, and I play everyday.”

Even though he is an active entrant, Boris still wasn’t prepared to see the Prize Patrol: …when I saw the blue jacket and orange ties [at the door], I thought, ‘oh, these must be solicitors!’ I was shocked!”

He’s had to convince many of his family and friends that it really happened, and it still seems like a dream to himself!

“I’ve caught myself dancing in the kitchen when no one is looking! When I got the real check, I had to ask a friend to pinch me. This has blown my mind!”

Boris told me that the “Big Check” sits front and center so that people can see it when they walk in the front door. Some say “seeing is believing,” but in the case of this web designer it has proven to be more difficult than that!

PCH Winner Boris Clinton

“There’s pictures of me with the Big Check, but some people thought it was Photoshopped! When I told my breakfast buddy about my winning moment, he didn’t believe it either. So I showed him the video. The video is great proof!”

Boris hasn’t wasted too much time figuring out what he’s going to do with the money. Besides buying a nice new car, he hopes to travel to Italy and a little around Europe, which is where he spent some of his childhood. Of course he also plans on helping his mother and his brother (who has six children).

When asked about his entry strategy, Boris offers a few good tips!

“I would use PCHsearch&win, and ask the search engine for information on things that I’d like to win — Like the car I want!”

We asked him what he would say to other PCH fans who want to have the Prize Patrol show up at their door:

“…you have to be in it to win it. Do a steady diet of it! Just register and open every email PCH sends to you. Just do it! It only takes a few minutes of your time. So when you see it on your phone while you’re out running an errand, just click on it and do it. You just have to be consistent!”

The loyal entrant over the past 25 years, new SuperPrize winner Boris doesn’t plan on stopping his entry habits any time soon. He says he still enters all the time!

Way to go, Boris – and to all you blog readers, I have to ask: ARE YOU IN IT TO WIN IT?

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – Boris mentioned that he would like to return to Europe to see some of the sights he remembers from his childhood. If you could won the SuperPrize and got the chance to visit a place you remember, where would you go? Tell us in the comments below!