Catching up with October SuperPrize Winner Desiree Scudder!

Last Updated: November 18, 2015

When we have a big SuperPrize winner at Publishers Clearing House, sometimes it takes the winner a while to figure out what they want to do with the money. After all, it can be a little overwhelming to know what to do with more than $1 Million!  That’s what makes our October SuperPrize winner, Texas-resident Desiree Scudder, so unique — she knows what she wants to do right away!

October SuperPrize Winner Desiree Scudder


“Oh, I want to go to Japan…just to see the place! And now I can! I studied Japanese in college because [the French class] was filled up, so I said ‘why not Japanese?’ I watch a lot of Japanese cartoons, so I could say I was doing it for homework!”

Graduating in 2013 with a degree in biochemistry, Desiree was working at her toxicology job when the Prize Patrol showed up. This may be the first time the Prize Patrol has met a winner wearing a lab coat!  Watch her video reaction below!



We asked her what she thought when she saw the Prize Patrol walk into her lab:

“I saw a silhouette entering, and I thought it was one of the maintenance guys coming over. Then my coworker Jeremy opened the door and said, ‘there are people here for you!’  I was thinking, ‘am I being pranked?,’ because that seemed more plausible than something like this really happening!  But later I watched the video, and I was like ‘oh, ok, [it really did happen].’ It just seems so unreal! But now I have the money, so it’s definitely real!”

If you remember, Desiree was the winner of our “Second Chance” drawing. She received a $1 Million prize, plus $10,000.00 a year for life and an extra $1,000.00 cash on the spot because she was a PCH SuperFan on Facebook.

How did she feel about winning the Second Chance Prize? She was more than happy with her prize saying, “yeah, that’s fine with me…I won!”

Having just turned 30, the avid video game player calls every birthday “leveling up,” and considers this huge windfall to be the ultimate “power-up!”

“Yeah, this is like finding rare treasure…this is definitely good for me. I’m totally moving out [of my parents’] house, getting my own apartment, and maybe even building a video game room!”

In addition to entering via PCH emails, Desiree also enjoyed playing PCHgames.

“I loved playing Mahjongg Dark, stuff like that. The matching games. They’re all a lot of fun!”

But she’s not just all play – Desiree has always been a hard worker, balancing three jobs while she attended college. She’s taken care of her debt, so now she can use her SuperPrize money to help others.

October SuperPrize Winner Desiree and Danielle

“I may help my little brother out with college, if need be. For sure. But I also have enough now to be able to fly first class when I go on that trip to Japan!”

We wish Desiree, our October SuperPrize winner, the best of luck with all of her future plans and travels! We look forward to following up again with her in the future to hear all about her trip to Japan and all of the other things she has planned!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – Have you ever tried playing any of the matching/strategy games at PCHgames that Desiree was talking about? If not, why not try them for yourself now!

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