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Topic: Behind The Scenes at PCH

Last Updated: March 12, 2018

There’s an insurance company running a lot of commercials claiming “We’ve seen almost everything” and “We’ve seen a thing or two.”  You’ve probably seen their TV spots. Funny thing is – we Prize Patrolers could make the same claims in our TV ads featuring PCH winning moments.  We’ve delivered close to a thousand Big Checks […]

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It’s another Monday, and it’s another LIVE episode of Inside PCH! At Publishers Clearing House you know that we give away a lot of GREEN all the time, but to commemorate the upcoming St. Patrick’s Day holiday, we’re going to DOUBLE DOWN with some information on more of our winning opportunities! To loop you in […]

Last Updated: March 2, 2018

TOMORROW, the Prize Patrol will be awarding a PowerPrize … and yes, they could knock on your door with a “Big Check” and this life-changing fortune of $4.9 Million! If you won this prize in just hours, how would you spend your newly won millions of dollars?  I Would Buy a Brand New Dream Car! […]

Last Updated: March 1, 2018

What a month! February may only account for 28 days on the calendar, but when it comes to a month in winning, February sure packs a lot of pop! In fact, February was downright record-setting for Publishers Clearing House! More Winners In One Month Than Ever! Yes, that is correct! What February lacks in longevity […]

Last Updated: February 16, 2018

Hey, PCH fans and friends! I know most of us could use a little help when it comes to financial stability, am I right? Between bills and all the other things we need to worry about, it can become quite daunting to try and stay above water. Sometimes, even just a few bucks can help […]

Last Updated: February 15, 2018

When you have one of the best jobs in the world, there’s bound to be a lot of things you like about it. So, when I recently asked Prize Patrol Elite members Danielle Lam and Howie Guja what their favorite things were on a typical Prize Day, I’m sure their thoughts could fill a whole […]

Last Updated: February 9, 2018

It’s time to start thinking about it, my friends — because we are definitely, positively, no-two-ways-about-it delivering our sixth $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize Check in TWO WEEKS, and if I became the winner (couldn’t happen for me, alas), I’d be VERY particular about where I’d put my Prize Check! Picture this: after hoping and […]

Last Updated: January 31, 2018

Friends and Fans, The end of January is upon us, and that means we’re already one month into the New Year. It’s time to check in on those resolutions—have you been exercising more? (I have not.) Eating healthier? (I definitely have not.) Not spending all of your money on Hamilton tickets? (So far, I’ve been […]

Last Updated: January 25, 2018

Who knows the question to this answer? “This company’s first mailers in 1953 offered 20 different magazine subscriptions – prizes came 14 years later”. Here at Publishers Clearing House, we just LOVE when our name is referenced on television shows, movies, and game shows! We’ve been the topic of conversation many times in the past […]

Last Updated: January 15, 2018

This may be one of the best topics ever for a #MotivationalMonday! So many of Dr. King’s messages are filled with motivational thoughts, and his words continue to resonate around the world, everywhere hope is more valued than fear. Reminders of Dr. King dot the landscape of America, ensuring that children of future generations will […]