The Prize Patrol Has Seen A Lot!

There’s an insurance company running a lot of commercials claiming “We’ve seen almost everything” and “We’ve seen a thing or two.” You’ve probably seen their TV spots.
Funny thing is – we Prize Patrolers could make the same claims in our TV ads featuring PCH winning moments. We’ve delivered close to a thousand Big Checks in person to winners of the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes, and believe me, we too have seen just about everything! Yep, we might surprise the winners, but nothing surprises us!
Naturally, because we don’t notify the prize recipients in advance, they are totally unprepared for our visit. On countless occasions the winners have been — shall we say — not ready to appear on TV. They’ve been in various stages of dress or undress; the house is a mess; the dog ought to be tied up, etc., etc. And, of course, sometimes winners are not home and we have to track them down – at work (an office, a factory, or ???), shopping, doing chores, at school, at church, at a casino, in a hospital, visiting family faraway, or on a boat. Or they might be doing laundry, puttering in the basement or garage, doing yard work, or sleeping – and they don’t hear the doorbell.
One young woman was in the shower and did hear the bell, jumped out, threw on a towel, came to the door and – OMG – wound up on national TV. (She thought her younger brother had been locked out of the house.) So yes indeed, we’ve seen a thing or two! Check out the video of one of our most “shocking” PCH winning moments!
How might we find you? Do you put a red circle on the date we are scheduled to award a SuperPrize – so you will be ready? Well, there’s no need to clean the house or dress up; don’t worry about preparing or rehearsing an acceptance speech. But what you must do is enter!!! If you don’t enter you will be a loser for sure. So enter every day for more chances to win, and the next doorbell we ring could be YOURS!
Wishing you the best of luck.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador