Did You Receive A Certificate of Title in the Mail?

Last Updated: October 22, 2014

Does this envelope look familiar to you?

Here’s the front:

Certificate of Title Publishers Clearing House

And here’s the back:

Certificate of Title PCH

If you received this CERTIFICATE OF TITLE regarding your prize number from Publishers Clearing House, it carries with it very GOOD NEWS regarding the state of your very own Prize Number.

You see this Certificate of Title means that your Prize Number is currently LOCKED into the winning number generator, putting you into a position to become the winner of $10,000.00 A Week For Life, should your number be selected as the winner!

That’s right, you read that correctly! $10,000.00 A Week For Life – that’s DOUBLE our standard $5,000.00 A Week For Life Prize…our largest weekly lifetime prize ever offered!

However, it is very important that you follow the enclosed instructions to ensure that you DO NOT SURRENDER YOUR TITLE. To ensure that you do not forfeit this opportunity to win, you MUST transfer your $10,000.00 A Week for Life Entry Label from the bottom of the enclosed letter to the Official Entry-Order Form and return by the deadline indicated. Below you will see what the label looks like!

PCH Certificate of Title

It is quite simple, but these instructions MUST be followed for you to continue as owner of this Prize Number!

We also have even more incredible news! The Prize Patrol will be ready to take back a Title from a Lifetime winner from the bulletin and in return give up to $25,000.00 Cash as a Bonus!

As if a winner of $10,000.00 A Week for Life wasn’t lucky already, imagine getting up to $25,000.00 CASH on top of that!

So please, if you receive this Bulletin, return your number by the date specified in your bulletin…and you could become a fantastic SuperPrize Winner in our Special Early Look prize event on November 25th!

If you did not get one of these letters in the mail, it isnt too late for you to become a winner of $10,000.00 A Week for Life! Entries at PCH.com are still being accepted until the November 17 deadline, so make sure you go there today. Remember, you’ll also be eligible to win with your first logged-in search of the day at PCHSearch&Win!

Will all our most “winning-est regards,”

Matt K.

PCH Creative