Do you know how lucky you are?

Last Updated: July 16, 2015

By reading your blog comments, I know that many of you don’t consider yourselves lucky.  But compared to most people of the world you are one very lucky person.  How so?  First of all, because you live here in the USA, “the greatest place on God’s green earth” as a well-known radio commentator describes it.  And because you live here you have access to all kinds of things: many constitutionally promised freedoms, a largely beautiful environment, bountiful natural resources – and I could go on and on.

And now let me act like a pitchman.  One thing that is uniquely American is right here in front of you: the lucky opportunity to become super-rich thanks to the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!

That’s right.  Your chance to enter a contest which could deliver millions of dollars into your bank account makes you luckier than billions of people around the globe.

Sure, you need some extra luck to become a PCH SuperPrize winner; but if you don’t enter our sweepstakes you’ll be a loser for sure.

Here’s another lucky fact:  Our sweepstakes rules allow you to enter every day.  No need to wait for a mailing which may be many months away.  Just go online to or one of our many other websites – like Search & Win or PCH Lotto or PCH Games – and get started.  It costs you nothing – our prizes are always free!  (If anyone contacts you and says you’ll win a PCH prize by sending in a fee to “pre-pay taxes” or some other reason, you have not heard from the real Publishers Clearing House. Don’t do it!

It would be my pleasure to lead our famous Prize Patrol to your door – with “Lucky,” the Big Check in hand – and announce “You are a winner in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!”

Wishing you the very best of luck!

DaveDave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador