Do you Tweet and follow PCH on Twitter? I just found out how!

Last Updated: May 28, 2014

Marybeth learns how to tweet

I admit it: until 24 hours ago, I knew nothing about Twitter… or even WHY I should know anything about Twitter.  But, after seeing “follow us on Twitter” practically everywhere, I figured I’d give it a try. Boy, am I glad I did!

I feel like I’ve entered a whole new universe of up-to-the-second information … with the latest on what interests ME – from local and world news to movies, travel, cooking, books, crafts, dachshunds (they’re so cute) – everything!

This is where I started out:

Twitter on the web

Signing up was cool … I just went to the sign-on page, created an account by answering a couple of questions … and I was IN!

PCH Twitter Sign Up Page

But what next, dear reader? There I was … a stranger on “Planet Twitter”!

After a couple of clicks, things started to get a WHOLE lot more interesting.  I clicked on #Discover at the top of my Twitter homepage …

PCH Twitter #Discover

… and WOW … got a whole selection of Tweets on great topics,  including Pope Francis’ visit to the Holy Land and CNN’s checklist for visiting all 50 states.

Everything’s “tweeted” in short (140 characters or less) info-packed messages for you to scan through –– or “crack open” for more in-depth details.

NOW I know that Twitter’s where you can find breaking news BEFORE it’s in the morning paper … or even on the evening news.


Did you know that Twitter’s where the world first found out about Captain Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger’s emergency landing of Flight 1549 in the Hudson River … and that England’s royal couple, Kate and William, were “expecting”?

Click on “Popular Accounts,” and choose from an incredible selection of hot-off-the-Web Tweets on Sports, Health, Family, Entertainment …  holy smokes – over 2,000 topics when I stopped counting

Twitter Popular Accounts

And Twitter is ALSO a great way to connect with people in your community … and way beyond. Make new friends who are “into” what you are … or reach out to explore totally new experiences.

And speaking of friends, your pals at Publishers Clearing House, would LOVE for you to “tweet” with us! So come visit us at our PCH Twitter pages for the latest scoops on all our winning ways!






Hey … I’m still a new kid on the Twitter block … but now I know what all the buzz is about! So, in case you haven’t already signed on, come experience “The Joys of Tweeting” for yourself. Take it from an ex-bird brain … you’ll be glad you did!

See you at Twitter, guys!

Marybeth H.
PCH Creative