Last Updated: September 15, 2014

HELLO, my dear PCH Blog readers!

Don’t you agree that “doubling up” on certain things just makes life more enjoyable? For instance…

Double the Ice Cream

Best Pals

Double the Puppies

Am I right or am I right? Well, I think you might also agree that the ULTIMATE double up is our exciting new PCH prize event!

Double the Cash

Remember we told you about it a few weeks ago? We call it “DOUBLE THE CASH,” (link to and it’s the largest weekly lifetime prize we’ve ever offered – TWICE the standard $5,000 A Week For Life Prize!

This exciting Special Early Look prize event takes place on November 25th – right   before Thanksgiving!  That means that 3 days after our Prize Patrol makes the delivery, YOU could celebrate the holiday with some very special thanks: for having $10,000 checks coming in every week – FOR LIFE!

Just imagine what you could DO with all that money! Mortgage, bills and credit card balances? PAID!  The fabulous vacations you’ve always dreamed of taking? BON VOYAGE!  The snazzy new car you’ve been eyeing through a showroom window? DRIVE IT AWAY!

Or maybe, like lots of other readers we’ve heard from, you’d like to use the money to help your family, friends, church or a special charity.  With $10,000 coming in week after week – FOR LIFE – it would be a LOT easier to lend a hand!

Hey, you sure don’t need ME to tell you how to spend a $10,000 A Week For Life fortune. YOU know exactly what you’d do with the money.

So what do you say? Are you ready to go for “DOUBLE THE CASH”? Head straight over to and enter TODAY – and every day you can!

Double IS better, right?

PCH Creative

P.S. But really, dear friends … what would YOU do with $10,000 A Week For Life? C’mon … we really want to know!