How To Enter Giveaway #8800

How To Enter Giveaway #8800
Are you hoping, dreaming and searching for a way to get rich quick? Well, you’ve come to the right place, where you can enter to win enough money to pay off all of those bills, buy the home of your dreams, go on that much-needed vacation and more! Because at PCH we’re all about making dreams come true. In fact, to date we’ve awarded over $327 Million to deserving folks across the country. And the PCH sweepstakes are always FREE to enter, with no strings attached and no gimmicks!
Say Goodbye to Giveaway #6900
In fact, we just awarded a HUGE “Forever” Prize on February 24th to our latest lucky winner, Ora Gayton, of Chicago, IL. Ora will receive $5,000.00 A Week for the rest of her life and then after that, for the life of someone she gets to choose. It’s a lifetime prize with a lifetime legacy. How’s that for financial security?
Ora was overwhelmed with excitement that she won our life-changing PCH sweepstakes, Giveaway #6900! This “Forever” Prize sure was a happy ending for Gwy. #6900. We’re so glad it went to such a deserving winner. Check out her winning moment here! We couldn’t wish for a happier ending!
Say “Hello” To Giveaway #8800!
When one giveaway ends, it’s time for another one to begin. Introducing our newest big SuperPrize — Giveaway #8800 — scheduled for award on April 28th. You’ll see it promoted as the PCH “Set For Life” Prize. We’re confident that it would do just that for the next lucky winner. We’ll be taking a Special Early Look for a winner of $7,000.00 A Week For Life! Set for life means having the peace of mind of knowing you would have $7,000.00 coming in every week, week after week, year after year. Try to imagine that kind of freedom from worry! Wow, it really would be a dream come true!
Start Entering Now For Your Chance To Win!
The next logical question from you should be, “How do I get in on such an incredible life-changing prize?” Again, you’ve come to the right place, because I’m about to show you how! There are so many ways to enter the PCH Sweepstakes, but, for starters, you can begin by entering at some of our online sites like PCHSearch&Win … PCHgames … and PCHslots.
Do you like to get your daily weather and news online? Check out PCHfrontpage where you can get the latest news headlines, sports scores and more, and enter to win Giveaway #8800 while you’re logged in!
You can also enter Giveaway #8800 through the regular mail, through ads you might find in your local newspaper, or simply by writing to us at Publishers Clearing House, 101 Winners Circle, Port Washington, NY 11050 (each entry request must be mailed separately).
The bottom line is, you’ve got to be in it to win it, and entering is free and easy, so there really are no excuses! Many of our past winners tell us that they entered every day and every way they could and kept the faith. They kept at it until the lucky day that they finally won. The same could be true for you. With a little luck, you could become the big winner of Giveaway #8800 on April 28th!
Jane M.
PCH Creative
P.S. How are you going to enter Giveaway #8800? Comment below!