Fan Question: Which PCH Sweepstakes Are Most Important to Enter?

Greetings, fans and friends,
Recently, one of our fans posted a comment on the PCH Blog, asking “Which PCH Sweepstakes are most important to enter?” My answer is: ALL OF THEM! All of PCH’s fun and FREE sweepstakes and contests are equally important – and, best of all, fans and friends like you have an equal shot at winning every one of them!

Asking which FREE PCH Sweepstakes are most important would be like asking which ice cream flavor is most delicious – hey, ALL ice cream is delicious … and all ice cream is a bad idea for breakfast, but there are so many flavors to try! It all depends on what you like! And if you’re like me, you’ll try them all!
Here at PCH we have many “flavors” of sweepstakes and contests. Perhaps our most famous sweepstakes involve our life-changing PCH SuperPrizes – the kind where the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol arrives at a winner’s door with that “Big Check,” balloons, roses and champagne. And as many of you may know, our latest SuperPrize event is our “Turn Back Time” event – $2.6 Million upfront (that’s win-for-life payments for the past 10 years) plus $5,000 A Week For Life. And you can enter to win it simply by clicking the “Enter Now” button at the upper right-hand corner of this blog page!
But there are so many more FREE Sweepstakes opportunities at PCH:
- Log into PCHSearch&Win and you’ll score an entry with your first search of the day
- Get entries to win at PCHlotto, PCHKeno, PCHFrontPage , Games , Slots, PCHBlackjack and PCHTV
- Enjoy PCH token games , instant win games and scratch-off games!
And get a load of all the exciting Online Sweepstakes opportunities! You could win money toward an exotic vacation, a new car, a dream home and much, much more!
My point is, you can’t win if you don’t enter. So enter in as many ways as you can – because …
- PCH has had over 7.3 MILLION winners throughout the years!
- PCH has at least 300 winners every single day!
- PCH has had over 607,000 winners this year alone, to date!
- PCH has awarded over $360,000,000.00 (that’s 360 MILLION DOLLARS) in cash and prizes to date … and we’re ready to award a lot more!
So, fans and friends, ask not “Which PCH Sweepstakes are most important to enter?” … ask “Which PCH Sweepstakes am I ready to win?” I’ll bet your answer will be “ALL OF THEM”!
Now grab your favorite ice cream flavor and start entering !
Good luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. I just know I’m going to get a lot of answers in response to this question … What’s your favorite ice cream flavor? Comment below!