Fill Your Wallet With A Publishers Clearing House Prize!

Blog Readers, please, I need you help!
It’s me, Wally Wallet, unofficial spokeswallet for Wallets-Across-America, or “WAA!” for short. I’m here today, on behalf of wallets everywhere, asking you to please enter to win the big Publishers Clearing House Win It All Prize that could fill your wallet on June 29th.
In case you’ve never heard of “WAA!”, we’re the wallets in your life that you once looked forward to opening – your favorite wallets, wallets you got as gifts, wallets that were once full and plump – that got discarded, old or emptied. You’ve probably seen us in your pocket … in your purse … or even on a dresser somewhere, our flaps empty, our pockets stretched and tattered, our pouches filled with moths. Many look away at the sight of us, embarrassed by how withered we’ve become … while others cry out “WAA!” – looking for help to feed these empty wallets with the greens and iron they need to thrive. And that’s why I’m writing on behalf of Wallets-Across-America today!
You see, the winner of PCH’s Win It All Prize on June 29th will get that $1,000,000.00 upfront to put in the bank, and then, $1,000.00 A Week For Life that could fill wallets! Lots of wallets! The winner’s wallet would be filled for sure, plus the wallets of those the winner shares with — like spouses or siblings or children — would also get a little greener. The wallets of store owners and employees where they shop, and the wallets of anyone whom they give gifts to, would suddenly get plumper, too!
Yes, many wallets will be filled by the Win It All Prize, so please, if you have wallets that make you say, “WAA!” when you look at them, don’t turn away! Instead, enter to Win $1,000,000.00 Plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life by clicking the box in the top right corner of this blog now and you could be changing that “WAA!” to a “WOO-HOO!” in no time!
On behalf of your wallet – and wallets everywhere – thank you in advance for entering to win with PCH!
Your Pal,
Wally The Wallet
P.S. If you Win It All, will you keep the Wallet you have, or buy a new one? Let me know in the comments section below!