Who Would You Call First If You Won Big on June 30th?

So tell us, what would your first phone call be?
Picture this scenario … you wake up on a seemingly normal Friday morning and you expect to have an ordinary day. You eat your breakfast, get ready for work, grab your keys … only this time, when you open the door something is different—VERY different, and in the best possible way! Yes, just outside your home, the PCH Prize Patrol is heading your way with flowers, balloons, and a “big check” with your name on it! And that’s when it hits you: This is no ordinary day—this is the day you’ve been waiting for, the day you become a PCH millionaire.
After all the excitement has settled down, what would be your first phone call? Of course you would want to share this news with someone! But the question is: Who would you call first?
Who would be the first person to hear the good news?
We’re asking because that first contact is so important. Why? It’s the very moment it all becomes real to you, the winner. It’s when you recognize your good fortune and actually say out loud for the first time, “Hey—I just won the Publishers Clearing House sweepstakes! I’m a millionaire!” That call you make should go to one person that could make that news even better for you—the person you share your secrets and successes with, the one who is ready to run to your side and help you celebrate your big win!
For me, it’s an easy call—a no-brainer. I already have her on speed-dial and she’s my #1 contact in my phone. My first phone call would be my mother! Yes, I know that as a PCH employee, I cannot win a fabulous sweepstakes prize like you can, but I do have other “wins” in my life, and when those happen, my mother is the person I call to share the news, my go-to phone-in life-sharer. Who’s yours?
When the extraordinary happens, do you call your parents, too? Husband or wife? Brother or sister? Grandparents? Or even your best friend! There are many options when it comes to whom you would want to share this exciting news with first.
Our life-changing “Win It All” Prize Event is just around the corner!
Don’t forget, the prize patrol is ready to award the “Win It All” Prize on June 30th! The winner could receive $2,000,000, plus $10,000.00 A Month For Life, plus a Brand New Car!
With a life-changing prize this tremendous at stake, the winning moment could be overwhelming, so it might be smart to think about it now — who would you call first — ahead of time.
Now with that being said, don’t forget to keep entering! The only way you can possibly win big is if you’re in it to win it! Head on over to PCH.com and enter in every way possible!
Good luck!
Marissa B.
PCH Creative
P.S. Now that you have some ideas, let us know in the comments below, who would you call first, and why, if you became a big winner!
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