Follow-up with $1 Million Winner Jane Bjork!

Last Updated: May 27, 2016

Patience might be what it takes for some people to win from Publishers Clearing House, because nearly 40 years of entering finally paid off for $1 Million winner Jane Bjork! In fact, she’s been a faithful Publishers Clearing House entrant since 1977! We caught up with Jane to see how life has changed since her momentous win last month!

We started off asking her what her living situation was like before Prize Patrol members Danielle and Howie showed up.

“I was retired and living on Social Security, sort of wondering what I was going to have to do to improve my situation. I’ve enjoyed selling [beauty products] for just about 15 years to make ends meet.”


We asked her if she had a funny feeling the morning of the prize award, and while she didn’t, years of hoping to win from Publishers Clearing House certainly put the award date in the back of her mind!

“I knew that there was going to be a special prize awarded that day, but even when I saw a camera man walking outside of my apartment, I didn’t think it was for me. I thought someone was having their condo videotaped so they could get it up for sale! And then….ahhh! There was a knock at my door!  I ‘ve been entering so long that you are just always aware of the award dates, but you tell yourself it won’t happen to you…even if you’ve been doing it forever!”

That day certainly proved her theory wrong! Having entered through the mail for a long time, Jane eventually transitioned over to email. She used to enter many other sweepstakes, but eventually just settled on doing PCH. She says she tries to make sure to enter several times a week.

Win from PCH

When asked about her plans for the money, her response is similar to many of the other folks who win from Publishers Clearing House:

“I plan on giving some money to my church. I want to do some things for my daughter. Pay some bills. I’ve already paid off my car! It feels good to have a zero balance!”

“I went out to dinner to celebrate with my friend,” Jane continues. “Of course it was on me! Then I went over to her family’s house that weekend and I opened the PCH Champagne and had dinner with her extended family.”

Jane’s experience has been overwhelmingly positive, including an incredible coincidence!

“When I was standing outside of my apartment with the Prize Patrol, my daughter just happened to be driving by! She got out of her car to see what was going on and got to meet Danielle and Howie! The most amazing thing was that my daughter actually lives 20 miles away and just happened to be driving by my condo at that exact moment!”

In fact, she’s the one who took this photo of Jane with the Prize Patrol!

Win from Publishers Clearing House

We asked Jane for words of encouragement for anyone else who’s been entering for quite a while, and this is what she had to say:

“You never know what’s in store. But the only way you’re [going to win] is to keep doing it and hope for the best! Just have faith that somewhere, some day…it’ll work out! That’s what I did!”

We left our conversation with Jane as she started to make plans for a possible trip to Texas to visit her sister. One thing’s for sure – winning $1 Million from Publishers Clearing House will mean she won’t have wait years to do it!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – If you were going to make a trip to visit someone after winning the SuperPrize, who would you go to see? Tell us in the comments below!