“Forever” Prize Winner Tamar Howard Chooses Beneficiary!

Last Updated: March 24, 2015

When you think about the rest of your life, do you dwell on all of the bills you’re going to have to pay, or the investments you might have to make in order to pay for your retirement? And maybe, if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to save enough to help out your kids after you’re gone?

It’s those kinds of problems we are excited to help solve when we created the “Forever” Prize, which pays an amazing $5,000 A Week For Life to a winner and then, after that, $5,000 A Week For Life to a beneficiary of their choice!

Forever Prize  Winner

That’s obviously a ton of money, so when we found our third “Forever” Prize winner Tamar Howard, we were so pleased with her reaction!  Watch it here!


Her winning moment happened on February 27, 2015, so we caught up with her a little while later to see how things have changed for her.  First, we asked her what her day was like before the Prize Patrol showed up.

“I live in a very small neighborhood, so I got a call from someone that told me there was a van coming down the road followed by a news van. When they said it was Publishers Clearing House, I knew they were coming for me because I entered all the time!”

The Prize Patrol’s timing was perfect – Tamar is usually in school studying to be a nurse, but she just so happened to not have class that day. Tamar found herself hanging out at home when the Prize Patrol showed up.

“I thought, ‘Lord, am I dreaming? I saw the winning moments on TV all the time, so this was so surreal for me. Just really exciting.”

We asked her if people ever made fun of her for entering:

Forever Prize Winner

“My neighbors all told me they never entered, but they’re entering now! But my mom and my daughters would laugh at me about it. But now they’re playing too!”

And since this is the “Forever” Prize, Tamar got to choose a beneficiary to pass on the $5,000 A Week For Life checks to after she’s gone! She decided to choose her eldest daughter, who will be attending college in the near future.

Tamar Howard PCH Forever Prize Winner

“The first two things I thought about doing were buying a house and then helping my three daughters with college tuition.”

When we asked her if she had any big plans for herself, Tamar is quite humble.

“I’m mostly a homebody. The one thing we do every year is a trip to the shore during spring break. But I haven’t decided to do much after that! We’ll think about it after our yearly beach trip. Maybe we’ll do some shopping for clothes before we go!”

Tamar, with all your prize winnings, I think you can do A LOT of shopping now 🙂

Even though this is a true life-changing opportunity, Tamar is going to do her best to keep things as normal as possible. For one thing, she’s going to finish going to nursing school!

“I’m still going to class! There’s one girl there who said to me, ‘um, I can’t believe you keep coming here!’ I want to finish it.”

Tamar offers this advice to anyone who is hoping to follow in her footsteps:

“Keep entering! Because I did not give up on that. A lot of people did not believe it was true. They were all like, ‘did you buy something?’ I didn’t, I just entered all on my phone and playing games.”

Isn’t that inspiring? Tamar is proof-positive that real people DO win!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – If you won an amazing “Forever” Prize, would you still pursue a job like Tamar is? Or maybe start your own business