Get in to Win Up to $10,000.00 in Our Prize Access Event Unlocked!

Hey there, friends and fans! Guess what? We’ve unlocked even more prizes…which means there are thousands of dollars more that you can win if you act quickly!
From now until Friday, you can get in to win up to $10,000.00! It’s all part of Prize Access Event Unlocked at PCHSearch&Win! We’re guaranteed to award two prizes of $5,000.00 and a TOP PRIZE of $10,000.00. The top prize winner will receive a visit from the PCH Prize Patrol on June 13th, to experience all of the flair of a real PCH “Winning Moment”!
The prizes for this special have been unlocked at the special discretion of PCH Executives! It’s not every day we guarantee to award three more prizes, after all!
I’m sure the big question on your mind is how you get in to win these event exclusive prizes…
How You Can Get in to Win!
I always say the more effort you put into something, the more you can get out of it, and that’s certainly true for our Prize Access Event Unlocked! So there is, of course, more than one way you can get in to win!
Your first stop will be PCHSearch&Win — with your first search of the day, you’ll claim your entry to win! Plus, with your first search of the day, you’ll also get in to win $25,000.00 A Month For Life during our June 30th Special Early Look Prize Event for Gwy. 13000. Even if the matching winning number isn’t returned, we’ll still award a guaranteed $1,000.000.00 prize to an alternate winner in a random drawing from among all eligible entries. But there’s more where that came from…
Even though this is a PCHSearch&Win event, there are plenty of other ways you can claim your entries to win! For example, if you go to PCHlotto, you’ll get a shot to win after you complete your third card! That means you’ll not only be entered to win Prize Access Event Unlocked prizes, you’ll also be in the running to win money at PCHlotto!
You’ll also be able to secure entries at PCHFrontpage, PCHgames, PCHkeno, and, of course, at As you go through your usually activity on each site, you’ll get a special message, inviting you to complete another search at PCHSearch&Win, where you’ll secure another entry!
And if you’re still looking for more ways to get in to win, be sure you’ve signed up to receive our emails! Certain emails this week will be promoting even more entry opportunities!
Do not throw away your shot at winning prizes from PCH Gwy. Nos. 13799, 13794, and 13795! Start searching now — and then explore the rest of PCH’s digital properties for more ways to get in to win!
Will F.
PCH Creative