Get On The $7,000.00 A Week For Life Winner Selection List!

Do you want to be a part of it? Do you want to get in on an enormous $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event in just a few weeks? Then you’ll need to get onto the PCH Winner Selection List before the deadline to have a shot at winning all of that money!
What’s the PCH Winner Selection List? The Winner Selection List is the Official Publishers Clearing House record of all entries that are eligible to win a prize within a particular time frame. We’re ready to award an enormous $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize on April 30th, and it can only be won by someone with an entry on PCH’s Winner Selection List — the record of entries eligible to win during this time frame. All timely entries are on this list.
The best part is we’ll be taking a special early look to select the winning number very soon, and only those people with numbers on the Winner Selection List can win. That’s why every entry you send in is important. Any one of those numbers you send in could become the matching winning number that changes your life for good! If the winning number is not returned or there’s no match, we’ll have to award a base prize of $1,000,000.00 to an alternate winner instead. That way everyone who enters still has a chance to win a BIG $1,000,000.00 prize on April 30th – GUARANTEED!
Today’s Takeaway: If You Want To Win $7,000.00 A Week For Life On April 30th You’ve Got To Be On The Winner Selection List!
If you’ve submitted a timely entry for this lifetime prize, then you definitely already have an entry on the Winner Selection List. But, with $7,000.00 A Week For Life at stake, you’ll want to have as many entries as possible.
It’s not very hard to do. In fact, we make it super easy! It’s not like you have to keep buying lottery tickets every week. We give you plenty of time to get in as many entries as you can. And each one of those entries is FREE! You can enter every day at, PCHSearch&Win, PCHlotto, PCHgames, the PCH Fan Page on Facebook, PCHFrontpage and more!
If you haven’t entered yet, do it now! And if you have already, keep it up! It’s time to get those entries in! Best of luck to you all!
Jane M.
PCH Creative