Go Green With PCH On Earth Day!

Greetings, fans and friends,
Tomorrow, April 22nd, is Earth Day, when we learn about and demonstrate our support for environmental issues. More than ever, folks want to “go green” – whether that means turning off the lights when you leave a room, using a reusable water bottle instead of buying bottled water, or walking whenever possible instead of taking the car.
PCH has always recognized the importance of being a good corporate citizen, and our aim is to go green all year long! In fact, I am a proud member of PCH’s “Green Team” – which has been hard at work since 2007 to establish company-wide policies that save energy, reduce office paper, and ensure that we are buying paper and packaging that is produced in an environmentally responsible way.
Heading the PCH Green Team is Wendy S., PCH’s AVP Fulfillment/Postal Affairs. Wendy helps define the mission of the Green Team and works with her committee to make PCH’s green initiatives a reality. I interviewed Wendy about her involvement with the Green Team and PCH’s Earth Day activities, and here’s what she had to say.
What is the mission of the PCH Green Team?
Wendy S.: The PCH Green Team was formed several years back to proactively expand PCH’s commitment to operating our business in a manner that conveys our dedication to social, ethical and environmental responsibility. Our focus ranges from sustainability and conservation in our supply chain, to digital security and consumer awareness and protection, to supporting our community through employee volunteer activities and donations-in-kind of such items as bedding, kitchenware, winter accessories, and toys – all from our inventory to local agencies.
What plans does the Green Team have for Earth Day, Wendy?
Wendy S.: Our Earth Day 2017 activities revolve around the theme of Reduce/Recycle, Reuse and Restore. In the spirit of Restoration, we’ve arranged for trail maintenance with some PCH volunteers picking up litter and doing some light spring pruning on a local trail. To Reduce/Recycle, we’re encouraging employees to transition to a more green and paperless environment by creating and maintaining documents electronically. In the spirit of Reuse, we’re conducting a collection among employees of gently used books and magazines that will be distributed to high-poverty schools and organizations throughout metropolitan New York. We’re also donating magazines and books from our inventory to local Senior Assisted Living facilities – nurturing reading enjoyment across age groups. And for the local Ronald MacDonald House, which provides compassion and a place of rest for families being served by local hospitals, we’re collecting items that we use in our own homes to help fulfill their wish list for travel size toiletries and cleaning supplies.
What employee activities do you have in store for Earth Day?
Wendy S.: We’ve invited in the local electric utility to provide energy saving tips and tools. We’ve also invited three organizations that are public policy advocates for environmental conservation, and are passionate about outdoor recreation, offering outings in hiking, cycling, kayaking and other activities for employees to truly appreciate and enjoy Mother Earth.
That’s fantastic, Wendy! What initiatives does the Green Team have for the rest of the year?
Wendy S.: We will continue to encourage and monitor social and environmental best-practices in our operations and across our vendor supply chain. And no doubt we’ll continue to have employees from each of our offices in NY, Massachusetts and Maine volunteering for a variety of causes. We also plan to have a Giving Tuesday initiative that we started last year become an annual event. On Giving Tuesday, which kicks off the charitable season the Tuesday following Thanksgiving, over 100 PCHers wrapped over 2,000 toys (from our inventory), which were distributed to families served by soup kitchens and shelters in the area. Community support activities like these are truly an inspired extension of the philanthropic roots established by PCH’s founders. It’s a little known fact that much of the company’s profits go to charitable causes ranging from the arts to social services and to the environment, largely through charitable trusts established by our founders and their families.
Now that we’ve heard from Wendy, what do you do to go green? How will you celebrate Earth Day? Will you carry a reusable shopping bag when you go to the supermarket? Will you machine wash your clothes in cold water to save energy? Or will you simply visit a local park or botanical garden to take in Mother Nature’s beauty? Tell us in the comments below!
And, if you need advice on Earth Day activities in your local area, go to PCHSearch&Win – with your first search of the day after logging in, you’ll be entered to win PCH’s life-changing SuperPrize !
Happy Earth Day to you! Happy Earth Day to you! Happy Earth Day, dear PCHblog reader! Happy Earth Day to YOU!
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. Talk about “green” – as in money, money, money! Click the “Enter Now” button at the upper right hand corner of this page to claim your entry to win $7,000 A Week For Life!
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