Do You Believe in Lucky Charms?

Hello, my PCH Blog chums!
I asked my PCH pals whether they had any good luck charms … and got a kick out of their answers.
Emmi carries a strip of silly photo booth “selfies” in her wallet, taken the day she met her husband. Carol carries a guardian angel medallion … and Debbie wears a beloved necklace whenever she flies.
My husband has the most raggedy, nasty old baseball cap ever, but he won’t give up his “lucky hat.”
If you DO have a lucky charm, take it out NOW and hold on tight!
This Friday, October 25th — only 2 days from now — our PCH Prize Patrol will definitely hit the road to deliver a prize for our $1,000.00 A Day For life special early look prize event. Chances are, the winner has already been identified. I have no idea who that might be — with luck, it might even be YOU. So between now and Friday, get out that special coin, dollar bill, bottle cap, religious medal, T-shirt — anything that makes you feel extra lucky — and let’s wait and see.
If you’ve entered, you’ve already got what it takes to become “PCH Lucky”!
Even though PCH SuperPrize winners are certainly lucky, some will tell you what they think was their “secret to winning”. And that’s to just keep entering, no matter what, every chance you get. Whether it’s Friday’s big award or any of the other great prizes PCH gives away all the time, you’ve got to be “in it to win it”!
You know who OUR Lucky Charm is?
It’s YOU, of course! You’re the ones who keeps us inspired and motivated to create exciting contests, with the hope that you’ll enter and WIN. That’s exactly what I hope will happen for you on Friday, when our Prize Patrol could deliver a $1,000.00 A Day For Life prize (or a cool One Million Dollars, if the matching winning number isn’t returned on time).
Please tell us: what is YOUR Lucky Charm?
We’d love to know – so tell us in the Comments section below. Then, hold it tight, keep the faith, and let’s see what happens the day after tomorrow.
Your devoted PCH Blog Lady, Marybeth