“Guess Who’s Standing in Front of Me?” PCH Surprises Missouri Winner!

Last Updated: June 5, 2015

PCH Missouri Winner Anise Colvin

On the Prize Patrol’s recent trip to Jefferson City, Missouri, we heard $25,000.00 winner Anise Colvin ask the above question three times.  Each time she was phoning a family member to share the exciting news.

First Anise called her daughter, then her father, then her son.  Each of them responded “I dunno.  Who?”

“Publishers Clearing House!  They’re here – with the flowers and the balloons and the Big Check – and they’re videotaping this right now!”

The reaction on the other end of the line was utter silence.  Finally, a “Huh?”

“Yes, they’re here!  With $25,000!”

“You’re kidding” or “You’re not serious” or “OMG” was the reply.

“It’s true” cried Anise, eyes teary with happiness.  “Here, you can talk to Dave Sayer, the Prize Patrol man” she said as she thrust the phone to me.  “He’s right here.”

So I got on the phone and assured the skeptical relative that this was “for real – just like you see on TV.”

I wish we had photos of those family members so you could see their stunned reactions. Alas, they were miles away; but I could tell they were shaking their heads in dumbfounded amazement. Of course they were very happy for Anise – whom they knew could really use the money.  She had been a nurse for over thirty years and was now living on a small retirement income.
You can see one of Anise’s phone calls in her winning moment video below:


As you saw in the video, Anise had been entering our sweepstakes religiously for years and, while always hopeful, had doubted she’d actually win.  But she did!

And YOU COULD WIN too!  But if you don’t enter you’ll lose for sure.  So don’t delay.  Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today — and every day!   The next person we send “over-the-moon” with roses, balloons and a Big Check could be you!

Congratulations Anise, and the best of luck to all.

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador