Happy New Year from PCH!

My dear PCH friends …
Let’s sing to the tune of Should Auld Acquaintance Be Forgot!
Should all our winners be forgot
Why, that would be a crime!
O’er fifty years they’ve won a lot
Three Sixty “Mil” combined! ($360,000,000)
Three Sixty “Mil” combined, my dears,
Three Sixty “Mil” combined!
Let’s take the chance to enter, too —
It won’t cost you a dime.
Ora Gayton’s happy as can be
With Five “Gs” A Week Forever —
And she won it all at 93
Proof you never should say never!
You never should say never, guys,
You never should say never!
Your luck could change before your eyes
And you too could win “Forever”!
$10,000 A Year For Life was won
By Pat Keigens, it is true,
And before the Prize Patrol was done
She got a Ford Explorer, too!
A Ford Explorer too, my dears,
A Ford Explorer too.
Let’s take the time to enter now:
It could make your dreams come true!
A Million Dollar Check surprised
B. Patchett days ago
Plus Ten “Thou” A Year For Life, a prize
That’s quite a lot of dough!
That’s quite a lot of dough, my friends,
That’s quite a lot of dough.
Before another Yuletide ends,
Enter too – and ho-Ho-HO!
Have a Happy and Healthy!
Your PCH pal, Marybeth