Has anyone ever won the PCH “Forever” Prize? YES!

Last Updated: July 8, 2015

1 “Forever” …
2 “Forever” …
3 “Forever” …
4 …

Could a 4th “Forever” Prize be awarded at your front door?<

Greetings, fans and friends,

Have you heard the good news?

PCH is rolling out a brand-new “Forever” Prize event — $5,000 a week for the rest of a winner’s life, and after that, the lifetime payments would continue for a special someone a winner chooses!

That’s right! You could win an incredible $5,000 A Week “Forever” in our Special Early Look prize event this August 31st, and leave an incredible financial legacy for your loved ones.

Thinking this can’t possibly be true? Wondering “has anyone ever won the PCH “Forever” Prize before?” Well, it happened for the 3 lucky folks already … let’s take a walk down memory lane!

Not too long ago, on February 27th, Tamar Howard of Alabama was about to take a bath when the Prize Patrol pulled up to her home, bearing balloons, roses and the “Big Check” proclaiming she had won $5,000 A Week “Forever.”

Tamar Forever Prize Winners

Tamar later told PCH that the prize was an answer to prayer. She is a pre-nursing student and plans to continue her education. She also now has the resources to send her three daughters to college and purchase a new home.

In a follow-up interview, Tamar explained that she chose her eldest daughter as the beneficiary to pass on the $5,000 A Week For Life checks.

Tamar’s advice to anyone else hoping to follow in her footsteps is this:

Keep entering! Because I did not give up on that. A lot of people did not believe it was true.”

But Tamar Howard, wasn’t the only “Forever” Prize winner we’ve had. In September 2013, Michael Miller from Illinois also won $5,000 A Week “Forever.” As you can see in his “Winning Moment” video and in the photo below, he was completely shocked and utterly speechless.

Michael Forever Prize Winner

When asked what he looked forward to most as a PCH SuperPrize winner, Michael said buying a new car and helping his family.

However, we have to go back to August 31, 2012 to witness Publishers Clearing House history in the making. That’s when John Wyllie of Oregon was awarded the very first $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize.

John Forever Prize Winner

When the PCH Prize Patrol revealed the Big Check, John immediately began to shake visibly and said, “I never would have thought in a million or two million or three million years that this could happen.”John told the Prize Patrol that the first thing he would do with his winnings would be to buy his dad a house. “As long as I can make somebody else happy with some of this, that’d be good with me,” he said tearfully.

You know what’s so amazing about all this, fans and friends? Not one of these fortunate folks believed that she or he would win. But it did happen… and it could happen to you, too!

And how could it happen to you? That’s easy! Enter every day in every way to win the PCH “Forever” Prize on August 31st! And who knows? I could be writing about you in our next “Forever” Prize winner blog!

Good luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. Want to win cash?? Head over to today’s Play&Win blog. If you leave a comment, you could win!