Have You Kept Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Can you believe that January is already almost over? So…how are those New Year’s Resolutions going? Maybe you vowed that you’d…
• Save money
• Eat right
• Exercise
• Volunteer
• Spend more time with family and friends
• Devote time to hobbies and passions
• Reduce stress
• Travel more often
But here it is, January 31st, and you realize – you haven’t even started!
Or maybe you’ve tried really hard, but you figure you’ve fallen off the wagon so many times…why not just enjoy yourself and say goodbye to that wagon after all?
DON’T Give Up On Your Resolutions!
Let’s be honest: losing weight, eating better, saving money, volunteering, and reducing stress can be…well, stressful!
Being consistent, persistent, and dedicated will help you achieve many of your resolutions. The key is taking small steps every day towards your goal. And hey – if you fall off that wagon, jump right back on!
For instance, let’s say you want to get in to WIN the PCH SuperPrize. Look at our PCH Winners for inspiration and note that they all had one thing in common: they entered to win and they never, ever gave up!
Luckily, there’s $5,OOO.OO A Week “FOREVER.” to shoot for – and it’s GUARANTEED for award on 2/28 (just weeks away)! That’s $5,000.00 a week for the life of a winner, followed by $5,000.00 a week for the life of someone the winner chooses!
(H2) Resolve to shoot for $5,OOO.OO A Week “FOREVER!”
Here are lots of great ways to shoot for the PCH SuperPrize:
• Enter early and often. Make a plan to enter every day
• Search daily at PCHsearch&win
• Head on over to PCHlotto.com
• Go to PCHgames and play, play, play!
• Play keno or shoot for BIG CASH with scratch cards
This is one resolution you’ll actually enjoy keeping – and who knows? Sticking with it could be the best thing you ever do! Why not? It’s fast, easy, and FREE to get in to win every day.
So, how are your resolutions going? Please leave a comment and let us know. Thanks!
Good luck!
Maria S.
PCH Online Creative