Here’s to The Winning o’ the Green!

It’s St. Pat’s Day, me darlins’ … and it is MY wish
That good friends like YOU have the luck of the Irish!
That a Big Check might be your own pot o’ gold,
With champagne, balloons and red roses to hold
In your own Winning Moment – ah, sure, you’d look grand!
With those cameras a-whirring and loved ones at hand
And your good luck announced on NBC news …
Make haste now, get busy … there’s no time to snooze!
For the Prize Patrol’s bringing a Big Check once more!
In a matter of weeks, they could knock on your door,
With $7,000 A Week For Life to be spent
From our grand Special Early Look Big Prize Event!
“The secret to winning’s no secret at all,”
Our winners would tell you … just stay on the ball,
With entering and entering whenever you can
Stay totally focused —it’s really quite Zen.
May the luck of old Eire be with you, and say!
Don’t you want to WIN?? Then enter TODAY!
Wishing you luck in The Winning of the Green!
Marybeth, Publishers Clearing House