How About Some Coastal Living?

Win the PCH Sweepstakes and You Could Afford Waterfront Property
When you browse residential real estate ads in the paper, why is it that homes on the water always command the highest prices? Maybe it’s because looking out over a lake or a river is not only beautiful but more relaxing than a scene of buildings or a congested roadway. Or maybe something in our DNA is drawing us back to the sea — where we all came from originally according to Charles Darwin. Whatever the reason, people are willing to pay a hefty premium for waterfront property.
The trouble is … most folks don’t have enough money to afford such a luxurious purchase!
But if you win a fabulous prize worth millions of dollars from Publishers Clearing House, you could look at those ads and call up the agent and say “Hey, I’d like to take a serious look at that one! Do you have any free time later today?”
Before you know it, you could be moving in to a house overlooking the sea and enjoying the lifestyle you read about in the magazines or see on TV.
Just think of it: You wake up overlooking a tropical beach or a mountain lake; you have your morning coffee with the music of birds in the background; you go boating or fishing in the afternoon (because you’ve been able to quit your job); you entertain family and friends with a supper by the shore. The next day you can do the same or just relax in a hammock with a good book, lulled by balmy breezes.
The point is, all this – the dream of waterfront property – is possible. But … the Prize Patrol will never come knocking on your door with roses, balloons and a Big Check if you don’t enter the PCH Sweepstakes. As the saying goes, you’ve got to be in it to win it!
So don’t delay. Click on the PCH Sweepstakes link at the upper right corner of this blog page and enter!
Wishing you the best of luck.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador