How About Winning Big Money For Future Generations?

Some of you – like me – might be senior citizens with children and grandchildren. Mine are visiting right now, and their presence in the house reminds me how nice it would be to leave them a lot of money later on so they can enjoy their own retirements and provide financial comfort with big money for future generations.
Alas, as a longtime PCH’er, I am not eligible to win a Big Check from the PCH Sweepstakes. But YOU are eligible – to enter AND WIN, and WIN BIG-TIME!
You could win big money for future generations with a Lifetime prize like our “Set For Life” $7,000.00 A Week For Life Prize Event, where we’ll be taking a special early look to award our next big winner. It’s happening very soon on April 27th! Or you could win a “Forever” prize that pays you and a loved one you choose a lifetime of financial security! Wow! What peace of mind that would represent for you and your family! Just imagine! No more sleeplessness over unpaid bills. You could afford a new house or two … pay for an education … cars … boats … travel … gifts to charities or favorite causes – all would be possible because you were smart enough to enter the PCH Sweepstakes every chance you got. And because you can enter every day – at, PCHSearch&Win, PCHgames, PCHlotto and more, you have lots of chances to enter and win!
So take the advice we hear from all of the winners we surprise — with roses, balloons and Big Checks. Don’t give up! Enter! You might think that the Prize Patrol could never show up at your door. But you would be wrong! With luck and a timely entry the next winner we surprise could be YOU!
Wishing you all the best.
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador