How “Forever” Is Different Than For Life!

As seasoned PCHers, you must’ve entered to win SuperPrizes before. Over the years, we’ve had a bunch of different SuperPrizes – many of them a “Forever” prize and plenty of them a “For Life” Prize. It occurred to me, however, that the difference between the two may not be perfectly understood, so today I’m going to clarify How “Forever” is different than “For Life”.
Do you know the difference? Let’s go over it – starting with a “For Life” Prize. The name says it all. A lifetime prize means that you will receive monetary payouts for the rest of your life! Sometimes we give away weekly lifetime payments, sometimes monthly – but either way – those payment will continue on for the rest of your life. Not a bad deal, right?
Now let’s move on to the “Forever” Prize. The difference between a “For Life” Prize and a “Forever” prize is that for a “Forever” prize, the winner gets to choose a beneficiary. A perfect example is our current $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” Prize, which is Guaranteed to be Awarded on October 26th! That means someone will definitely win it! But what exactly are they winning?
$2,500.00 A Week “Forever” means that the winner will receive weekly payments in the amount of $2,500.00 for their entire lives. But that’s not all! After that, those same weekly lifetime payments will continue for a chosen beneficiary! That’s cause for some major celebration!
Who would you choose as your beneficiary? A child, sibling, friend, charity? What an amazing legacy to leave indeed. The peace of mind alone is priceless.
Speaking of which, have you entered to win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever” yet? If not, I suggest you snap to it – and if you have already, I suggest you enter again and again. Now that we understand what “Forever” means, there is absolutely no reason NOT to enter repeatedly! In fact, here are 25 Reasons to enter to win $2,500.00 A Week “Forever”!
But let’s face it … even though we know how “Forever” is different than “For Life” – winning either SuperPrize would be absolutely amazing. Your life would immediately change … and no doubt would improve! So please make sure you’re entered to win! Don’t forget and best of luck!
Tina P.
Online Creative