How To Share Wincredible With Your Friends!

Hello Friends and Fans!
Did you know that you can share the Wincredible app for iPhone with your friends? That’s right. It’s time to spread the good word about the trivia app from PCH that brings you Live games and real prizes!
Wincredible has this awesome feature where you could let literally anyone join in on all of the fun FREE-TO-PLAY trivia with just one simple tap!
Go Ahead…Invite Your Friends To A Wincredible Time!
Just think all of the thrills you get by playing Wincredible, now imagine how awesome it would be to share that with your closest friends!
Well, you totally can—all you have to do is open up the Wincredible app, go to the very bottom and click on the “add friend” icon. From there you will get to choose from a bunch of options about where you want to spread the Wincredible word. You can invite all of your Facebook friends in one simple post, tweet all about your favorite Wincredible category (mine is always animals … who doesn’t love seeing some cute puppy pics!), or maybe direct message your Instagram besties to go head- to-head with you in one of our live events! How would you want to share Wincredible with all of your friends? Let us know in the comments down below!
Tell Your Friends About WINCREDIBLE Live Events!
There is nothing like the rush of going head-to-head for cold hard CASH—but it’s even more exciting when you have a little friendly competition between pals! I personally love hearing about my closest friends who play Wincredible live trivia and try to beat each other’s live game scores—it’s quite riveting!
That’s why you definitely should let all of your friends know about Wincredible live events! They take place at 2pm, 5pm, and 8pm ET—so you have a bunch of chances to coordinate some live game fun! Plus, you can compete with your friends for the highest score, tons of Tokens, and the $50 live game prize! You could be the BIG PRIZE WINNER—and, if you’re feeling generous, you could split your cash winnings with your friends so you could all be Wincredible Winners, or you could just pocket it for a rainy day. Whatever you choose, you’d still have that live game WINNER title!
Also don’t forget about our solo games— inviting your friends to some single play action can be just as exhilarating! You can earn tons of Tokens and at the end of the day see who in the friend group completely dominated in Token earnings! But, that’s not all— you’ll also earn entries for our nightly sweepstakes! You or one of your friends could take home BIG SWEEPSTAKES MONEY just for solving some trivia and having fun! Imagine the bragging rights you’d get with that AWESOME CASH PRIZE! You could take yourself on a BIG shopping spree or take your friends out to lunch! But I would probably choose the shopping and wish my besties better luck next time!
So, what are you waiting for? Go to Wincredible for iPhone and share it with your friends right now! I’ll look forward to hearing how you plan to spread Wincredible’s trivia with all of your friends!
Good Luck My Friends!
Brittany A
PCH Creative Intern
P.S. If you want to share Wincredible with all of your friends you should totally check out the Wincredible Facebook page!