How Well Do YOU Know Our Prize Patrol? Take the Quiz!

Last Updated: September 8, 2015

Prize Patrol Trivia

Sharpen your virtual pencils, guys!  Just for fun, we’re going to test your “Prize Patrol Trivia” with a little quiz.  Answer the following questions … then check your answers at the bottom of this blog.

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Okay, time’s up!  Did you answer all four Prize Patrol Trivia questions?  Good! Now check your answers below …

Prize Patrol Trivia Answers

Did you “ace” our test?  I bet you did – you KNOW your Prize Patrol Trivia!

Could you do us a favor?  Could you please jot down your results in the “Comments” section below? We’d really appreciate it!

Actually, you could get to know the PCH Prize Patrol even better – if you drop everything now and enter to win a HUGE prize in our Special Early Look “SET FOR LIFE” Prize Event.

$7,000 A Week For Life

Imagine: if you win next month,  you could ask the Publishers Clearing House Prize Patrol some of your own Trivia questions — in person!

Don’t wait – ENTER RIGHT NOW!

Sincerely, your Blog pal …

PCH Creative