HURRY … you’ve got until 11:59 PM (E.S.T.) tonight to send in the entry that could CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

This is IT, my dears! Our Prize Patrol is geared up and ready to deliver a “big check” this Sunday, along with a REAL $25,000 bank check for a first monthly payment, if someone returns the winning number for our June 30th $25,000 A Month For Life special early look prize event.
And even if someone DOESN’T return that winning number, and we have to go to a second chance drawing, the Prize Patrol STILL guarantees to award an amazing prize: a big, life-changing ONE MILLION DOLLARS delivered right to the winner’s door in just 4 days!
ANY entry could match the winner, so send in as many as you can, before tonight’s deadline!
Even if you’ve NEVER entered to win, it’s not too late to get your entry in. Just visit us at and “git ‘er done.”
Lots of other easy ways to fire up last-minute entries today!
Make sure to visit ALL our exciting sites to enter get your entries “under the wire” before tonight’s deadline cutoff. Here are some excellent ways that are also a LOT of fun!
• PCHSearch&Win
• PCHgames
• PCHfrontpage
• The PCH Fan Page at Facebook
• The PCH App (Android)
Real people have won a total of over $434 Million in PCH PRIZES … how about you??
Take a look at our Winners Page to get psyched about sending in as many entries as you can today, right up to the 11:59 PM (E.S.T.) deadline. And you’ve got to see what I call “The List” – PCH’S Verified Winners’ List – all the prizes PCH has awarded during a mere year and a half. (Prepare to have your socks knocked off.)
Enough out of me … get busy and start entering now!
We’re all pretty excited here at the Clearing House, waiting to see who our big winner will be this Sunday. Our fearless Prize Patrol is ready to roll and create yet another Publishers Clearing House “Winning Moment.” So please heed my words: Any one of the “eleventh hour” $25,000 A Month For Life Prize Event entries you make today could turn out to match the winner and the bring the PCH Prize Patrol right to your door!
Best of luck,
PCH Creative
P.S. How’d you do with Monday’s “PCH Blog Writer Baby Picture Quiz”? Here are the answers: Baby Number 1: Victoria P; Baby Number 2: Matt K; Baby Number 3: Dave Sayer; Baby Number 4: Debbie K.