“I could have been a PCH winner!”

Because the one entry you don’t turn in could be the one that makes you a winner!
Greetings, fans and friends!
“Stay in it to win it. Because the one entry you don’t turn in could be the one that makes you a winner!”
The quote above came from one of our wonderful PCH fans – after all, you folks always have the best advice!
And it’s so true – the one entry you didn’t go through with could have been a winning entry!
I understand we all lead busy lives – but honestly, are you too busy to possibly change your life? After all, there are so many ways to enter the PCH Sweeps, and each takes anywhere from a few seconds to just a few minutes, at most!
I get it: You’ve got doubts. You say to yourself, “The odds are too great – I’ll never win” … or “People from my state never win” … or “Young people never win” or “________(you fill in the blank) never win, so why should I enter the PCH Sweeps?”
My advice to you is get to know the winners who won small prizes who are featured on the #WinnerWednesday blogs. Read the inspiring stories featured our Blog Reader Spotlights. And read the amazing, feel-good stories of our PCH SuperPrize winners like millionaire Penny Pompa or “Forever” prize winner Tamar Howard (be forewarned, you’ll need some tissues for those!).
Our PCH fans and PCH winners alike share one common bond: They’re in it to win it. They’re keeping the faith. Nothing will stop them from entering to win – every day in every way!
But wait! I haven’t mentioned the BEST, BEST, BEST reason to enter – the chance to win $5,000 A Week “Forever” — $5,000 a week for your life, and after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose! The winner of this unbelievable PCH SuperPrize is GUARANTEED … yes, GUARANTEED … to be awarded on February 24.
So, don’t let me hear you say “I could have been a PCH winner” — because the one entry you don’t turn in could be the one that makes you a winner!
Start entering right now by clicking on the “Enter Now” button at the upper right side of your screen. See? You can do it!
Good luck,
Debbie K.
PCH Creative
P.S. What advice would you give to someone in doubt about the PCH Sweeps? Comment below!