Introducing Gwy #11000 — Your Chance To Win Exciting New Prizes!

Now that we’ve said goodbye to Gwy #8800 with a huge $5,000 A Week “Forever” winner on February 23rd, there’s no time to waste ushering in a fabulous new giveaway that gives everybody new chances to win exciting new prizes. Without further ado, we’re proud to introduce our latest fan pleaser. Let’s hear it for Gwy #11000!
This Giveaway may look like a lot of zeroes, but believe me when I tell you that it’s got lots of money in store for anyone who’s in it to win it! We think it’s about to receive rave reviews from all of you fans out there!
Are You Ready For A Chance To Change Your Life?
Gwy #11000 makes its stunning debut with an incredible SuperPrize scheduled for award on April 27, 2018. Are you ready for it? It’s the “Set For Life” Prize Event — win it, and you’ll get a stunning payout of $7,000 A Week For Life! How’s that for a grand entrance? And how’s that for a life-changing winning opportunity you don’t want to miss! Enter now by clicking the “Enter Now” button in the upper right-hand corner of this page!
We’ll be looking for the matching winning number to come in for this one with a Special Early Look. If it isn’t timely returned or is ineligible, we’ll definitely award a $1,000,000 base prize in a random drawing held among timely eligible entrants. Not bad for an opening act!
And For The Second Act …
As if Gwy #11000 weren’t winning enough accolades already, it makes another riveting appearance in April with the “Win It All” Prize Event. This one pays out $1,000,000.00 immediately, plus $1,000.00 A Week For Life, and awards the winner with a brand new Ford Explorer Platinum valued at $55,530.00! Wow! Talk about a life changer. Imagine having that much cash up front and then having weekly checks for $1,000.00 coming in week after week for the rest of your life. And driving all the way to the bank in a beautiful new car!
It gets even better folks. This one is GUARANTEED to be awarded on June 29th, no ifs ands or buts, and we can’t wait to see the lucky winner’s reaction!
As you can see, Gwy #11000 is packed with prizes that come in all shapes and sizes. (hey, I just made a rhyme)! We’re giving it away but you’ve got to be in it to play, so be sure to enter every chance you get in the coming months ahead. Don’t miss your chance to win millions from it!
Jane M.
PCH Creative
P.S. There’s still time to enter to win the incredible PowerPrize from Gwy #7600/7667. We’ll be awarding OVER $4.9 MILLION in just days from now on March 3rd. But hurry! All entries must be received by 2/28/18!