Just 31 DAYS Until The PCH Mega Prize Event! Get All In!

Last Updated: October 30, 2012

My, how time does fly! It seems like only yesterday that John Wyllie of White City, Oregon, won the “Forever” Prize! And now here we are again…all geared up for the next big prize winning event — the November 30th Mega Prize. Now that awesome millionaire-making moment is just ONE MONTH away! Can you believe it?

I don’t know about you, but I’m already getting antsy. Don’t forget that while the Mega Prize Event is November 30th, the entry deadline is November 19! That means you have just 20 days to get all of your entries in! As my mom used to say, “What are you waiting for? Get a move on!”

If I were you, I’d want to get ALL IN! You know, get as many entries as possible. If you’re new to Publishers Clearing House (welcome!) and aren’t aware of all the opportunities to win we offer, you can discover So Many Ways to Enter to Win the PCH Sweepstakes! in our October 3rd blog. Please take the time to read it because it’s well worth your while. I did, and I was surprised to learn you can enter by telephone!

I guess part of the reason I’m so antsy is because, as a PCH writer, I myself am not eligible to win. So when I see all the prize-winning opportunities that you may be passing up, it makes me crazy! Why wouldn’t you enter, I wonder? It costs nothing but a few moments of your time, and the potential payouts are HUGE!

I’m gonna say it again: You have JUST 20 DAYS to enter to win the $1,000,000.00 PLUS $5,000.00 A Week for Life Mega Prize. As they say, if you want to win it, you gotta get in it! So take advantage of ALL your chances to win, then sit back and feel good about yourself, because you gave it your best shot. You got all in!

Best of luck!

Joyce W.
PCH Online Creative

P.S. With all the buzz about the Mega Prize, don’t forget that tomorrow is our big October 31st Prize Event! Our elite Prize Patrol will be on the move, ready to surprise a winner. So be sure to check this blog or Danielle Lam’s PCH Prize Patrol Fan Page on Facebook for clues and updates from the road. You don’t want to miss a minute!