Know The Official Publishers Clearing House Websites!

Last Updated: February 3, 2016

Hello PCHers!

As we mentioned earlier this week, we are celebrating National Consumer Protection Week – a nationwide campaign that encourages consumers like you to take full advantage of your consumer rights and make better-informed decisions.

Our fans’ safety is our number one priority, and we do everything we can to prevent scammers from contacting you, as well as keep you informed on how to protect yourself against scams. There are so many opportunities to win with PCH, but we want to make sure you know which ones are legitimate. That way, you will be able to spot the scams right away!

If you notice a website that doesn’t have a familiar URL, this may be a PCH scam. You may also notice that there is bad grammar, poor spelling, and incorrect punctuation. This should also be a red flag for you.

Another warning sign we’ve picked up on is that sometimes the scammers will slightly twist the names of our PCH properties — or even combine names of our company and another company you may be familiar with — in their communications. That’s why we put together this list of the official Publishers Clearing House websites, so you never have to wonder if the communication you’re receiving is real or not.

In addition, this is a list of all our official social media profiles. Remember, the PCH Prize Patrol will never friend request you or private message you on social media.

Hopefully this list helps you avoid scammers pretending to be from PCH. As always, the most important thing to remember is that at PCH, the winning is ALWAYS free! So if you receive a communication from someone pretending to be from PCH that says you need to send money to claim a prize, DON’T DO IT – it’s a scam!

Cara F.
Social Media Manager

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