Leave a Legacy that’s a Win-Win “Forever”

Last Updated: October 4, 2013

Publishers Clearing House winners and fans always tell us that they would use a Millionaire-Making SuperPrize to leave a legacy with loved ones! And the Win “Forever” Prize is tailor-made to grant that very wish. Yes, on August 31st, you could win the “Forever” Prize, that’s payments of $5,000 a week for your life, then after that, those payments would continue on to a special someone you select for their life!

The fact is, we all want to pass down something for our children. People work their whole lives to set things up favorably for the next generations. Parents strive to make sure their children receive every chance that they themselves did not get. They work to add money to college funds and even pay high life insurance premiums so that loved ones can be well-prepared for the future. The $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize event is so incredible because it lets the winner help enjoy the present AND it lets them leave a legacy of financial security for the future, too.

My grandparents immigrated to America so that their children and grandchildren could reap the benefits of a country rife with opportunity. They often worked two jobs each in areas of hard manual labor so their progeny wouldn’t have to struggle as hard. I’m sure my grandparents would have loved to pass down the financial legacy of a “Forever” Prize. And while I don’t have anything tangible like an heirloom locket or watch to remember them by, they passed down to me things even more important — faith and love as well as a strong work ethic and sense of humor.

As a PCH employee I’m am not eligible to win the $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize on August 31st, but I am allowed to daydream about what I would do with the money and who I would set up for the future. Picking the right benefactor would take some time since there are many who are deserving. Fortunately, PCH thought of this, too, so if you were to win, you would have time to decide upon to whom you would leave a legacy of “forever” prize-winning money.

What legacy are you hoping to leave future generations? Do you have something special to pass down to a loved one? Have you had something special passed down to you? Leave let us know in the comments section below.

Good luck on August 31st! And remember to enter today and everyday. There’s only a few weeks left!

Kate M.
PCH Online Creative