Live Your Life Worry-Free!

Last Updated: February 8, 2019

Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I could live my life worry-free”? I know I have! And many, many others feel the struggle and burden of the everyday things that hang over our heads and make us worry. Most of the time, what we worry about has to do with finances! But what if I told you that there’s a way you could live your life financially stable and worry-free?

At Publishers Clearing House, we make it a point to make entering the sweepstakes fun, easy and free! And this February 28th, we are going to be awarding one lucky entrant with $5,000 A Week “Forever”!Yes, if you were to become the winner, that’s $5,000 every week for your life, and then after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone you choose! That money would literally never stop coming in! Your worrisome days of mortgage bills, student loans, car payments, credit card bills, groceries, medical bills, etc., would be a thing of the past! I mean, just imagine receiving $5,000 every single week of your life to take care of all these burdens that keep you from living a worry-free life! If I could enter RIGHT NOW and every single day, I would! But since I can’t, I am urging YOU to enter and give yourself the chance to be in the running to win and be worry-free!

Why wouldn’t you want to eliminate financial stresses from your life? It’s a no-brainer folks! Enter today and every day, and YOU could be next!

P.S.  February 28th is not only “Forever” prize award day … it’s also PCH Day! Be sure to tune into the PCH Facebook page for a live show where we will have 150,000 winners that day on top of it all! It’s an exciting day you won’t want to miss! Tune into Facebook and get in on the action!

Best of luck always,

Dillon S.

Promotion Development