Looking Back At Miracle Moments From 2015!

Last Updated: December 29, 2015

Do you believe in miracles? Do you believe that impossible things can and DO happen when people need it most? The topic of miracles is something we like to talk about here at PCH. Why? Well, when we show up to someone’s house with the SuperPrize, we feel like we’re a part of a miracle in the making!

We like to think that with every winning moment, the winner’s dreams are so much closer to reality than before! Wishes they may have thought couldn’t come true are suddenly very possible!

Over the year I’ve personally spoken with many of our winners, and I can tell you how amazing it felt to hear about their “miracle moments” and how their impossible wishes came true! So amazing, in fact, that I wanted to go back and share some of these stories with you.


2015 was a great year for Karl Jonsson, because he was able to start the year off right! Winning in late December of 2014, he could see 2015 in a whole new perspective! He told me that with $1 Million, he was able to change his financial situation (and outlook) in major ways!

Karl says, “[I had] literally negative money…I don’t want to look back and ask, ‘where did it all go?’ I want to be a good steward, as they say.”  With that in mind, Karl told me he is doing his best to make sure that every cent is spent wisely.

Not only was Karl’s financial situation completely transformed, but his dreams for his family can finally come true!

Karl says, “My big plan is to eventually buy a nice sized chunk of land and divvy it up among my six kids so we can all have our own homes and help take care of each other.”


Wow, what a great idea! As to be expected, family is something that’s very important to many of our SuperPrize winners. For example, I also spoke to Rosemary Cella this year about her $1 Million windfall, and now she can do many financial things for her loved ones that wouldn’t have ever happened before!

Rosemary says, “…our family was always a priority…And we’re setting it up so they’re involved in our winnings. [This will] help us to reach our goals. We’re trying to sell our home in Florida, and we’re trying to buy a home on Long Island.

Amazing! So many wishes fulfilled this year! And it just keeps going! We can’t talk about miracles and not mention our “Forever” Prize winner Tamar Howard. Tamar won $5,000 A Week For her Life, and then after that, $5,000 A Week for the Life of someone she chose! Now if that’s not a miracle enough, Tamar’s plans are the cherry on top:

“The first two things I thought about doing were buying a house and then helping my three daughters with college tuition.”


That’s right, she’s going to build a brand new house and help pay for her kids’ college! That’s a real miracle – something that wouldn’t have happened before 2015!


Mark Johnson’s “miracle moment” included some plans for his wife!

I’ll probably buy another vehicle for my wife. Then you know, pay some bills and go on a trip.  My wife wants to visit Niagara Falls. I’d love to also have the Las Vegas experience at some point too.”

Hey, when you win the $1,000,000 SuperPrize, dreams like that can become a real possibility! In fact, Mark wasn’t the only one whose dream of a new car came true! Winner Boris Clinton never thought he’d own a sports car in his lifetime, but because of his SuperPrize, it became a reality in 2015!


And for others, a miracle just meant getting food on the table! SuperPrize winner Robb Gonzales couldn’t be more grateful!


Robb says, “I mean, I had just moved, I was trying to pay some bills, I had like $60 a week in my account. I mean, anything AT ALL, I’m grateful for.  Again, I’m very low key…I’m not buying a brand new car, I’m going to invest, take a good vacation, but I’m thankful for what I have. I mean, I was just trying to win a $500 gift card to buy some groceries!”

We’re so happy for all of our big winners in 2015, and thankful that we got to be a part of their “Miracle Moments” by making their dreams come true!  And if you’re still hoping for your own miracle to come true, don’t give up hope! 2016 is right around the corner, and it is going to be packed to the brim with many winning opportunities from PCH! So keep entering, and you never know…we might be talking about your own “Miracle Moment” next year!

Matt K.
PCH Creative

P.S. – What was the best piece of “good news” you received this year? Tell us in the comments below!