Lucky The Big Check Asks: “Will I Make YOU SET FOR LIFE?”

Last Updated: October 18, 2013

The Publishers Clearing House “Set For Life” prize event is just weeks away and Lucky The Big Check wants to know if you’re in it to win it!

My dearest PCH friends …

Sigh. It’s not an easy job to bask in the constant spotlight of fame, wealth and admiration, but SOMEBODY’S got to do it!

Never let it be said that I, Lucky, the adored-by-millions “Big Check,” am not a “trooper.”  And here, dear friends is further proof …

Even with my demanding personal schedule, I am ready YET AGAIN to be the star of a VERY important special early look event on November 26th … when someone – maybe YOU – could win a tremendous $7,000 A WEEK FOR LIFE!

Set For Life Logo

Yes, cherished chums, you and I could make Publishers Clearing House history together, with the LARGEST weekly lifetime prize we’ve EVER offered!

I thought poor little moi could take a little rest after my BIG starring role some weeks back, when I (with some help with the Prize Patrol) surprised Michael Miller with the enormous “FOREVER” SUPERPRIZE that we’d guaranteed to award ($5,000 a week for his life, plus after that, $5,000 a week for the life of someone he chooses).

Memories of that day still thrill me – the whir of the TV cameras, the scent of the roses and the magic of being so gloriously ME – with the cardboard face that EVERYONE dreams of seeing at their front door! It’s a feeling I just can’t describe.

 Michael Miller Winner
That’s ME, “under wraps” before the big award!

But you know, it’s a little sad … a “BIG CHECK” like me could never enjoy $7,000 A Week For Life, as you, my friends could.

For instance, if you won our SET FOR LIFE Prize next month, you could shop for a new luxury car – but the DMV won’t even give cardboard guys like me a license! Or, as our BIG PRIZE WINNER, you could take exotic beach vacations – but not me: water makes my ink run like crazy!

Set For Life
This could be YOU – but (sniff!) never ME!

So there you have it. I will be pumped and inked and ready to rock and roll on November 26, with a BIG prize amount written on my face and a name – maybe YOURS – right above it!

Help make it happen for BOTH of us by entering to win at RIGHT NOW!

The PCH Big Check

P.S. What would you do if you were set for life?