There Are So Many Ways to Enter the PCH Sweeps! No Excuses!

Last Updated: November 9, 2016

Greetings, fans and friends!

Recently, I saw an awesome blog comment from one of our fans that really struck me because it was so simple and yet so true: “There are so many ways to enter the PCH Sweeps, at least pick 1. No excuses.”

I could not agree more! Yes, there are so many ways to enter the PCH Sweeps … yes, you should pick at least one way to enter (and enter every day) … and yes, there are absolutely no excuses. Because every entry has an equal shot at winning the PCH SuperPrize.

So, here are some answers to what might be some common excuses not to enter the sweeps.

Excuse #1: I don’t have the time to enter the PCH Sweeps!


It’s so easy to make the time! You can enter the PCH Sweeps by typing in on your smartphone while waiting on line at the checkout counter, or sitting on the bus or train on your way to work. Just click “Begin” to continue and claim your prize entry!

As a matter of fact, you can make entering the PCH sweeps part of your daily routine. Here’s what I mean:

  • Do you need to search the web for information? Use PCHSearch&Win to search for whatever you need to know – you could win instant prizes, and with your first search of the day after logging on, you’ll be entered into the life-changing PCH Sweeps!
  • Do you ordinarily go online to check the daily weather, sports scores or news headlines? Then try doing it on PCHfrontpage – where you can enjoy news articles and videos while going for some incredible winning opportunities (just make sure you’re logged in).
  • Do you practically live on Facebook? Well, there’s no excuse not to join the more than 1,862,000 fans on the PCHFan Page on Facebook – where you’ll find links to our world-famous PCH SuperPrize! But if you’re not on social media yet, don’t fret!! See Excuse #3 below.

Excuse #2: I don’t have a smartphone to enter the PCH Sweeps! I just have an old-fashioned telephone!


No smartphone? No problem! You can enter the PCH Sweeps by telephone using our automated system. Call 1-800-459-4724 and choose option #2. (You will need your customer ID Number, which can be found on any of your invoices or bills.)

Excuse #3: I’m not on social media!


(I hear this comment on the blog a lot!) You don’t need to be on the PCH Fan Page on Facebook … on Instagram … or on Twitter to enter the PCH Sweeps! You can enter through our colorful mailings, through ads you might find in your local newspaper, or by simply writing to us – anytime – at Publishers Clearing House, 101 Winners Circle, Port Washington, NY 11050 (each entry request must be mailed separately).

Excuse #4 (and this is a biggie): “I’ll never win.”

Remember … winners never quit and quitters never win! There are plenty of PCH winners who thought they’d never win … and they DID win! All you need to do is keep the faith and stay in it to win it! 

So, fans and friends … there are so many ways to enter the PCH Sweeps , at least pick 1. No excuses!

What positive advice would you give to someone who makes excuses about not entering the PCH Sweeps? Comment below!

Debbie K.
PCH Creative

P.S. There’s no excuse not to read Victoria’s November recipe on the PCHSearch&Win blog! I guarantee it’ll leave your mouth watering!