Meet Boris Clinton, Our Newest $1 Million Winner

Last Updated: July 2, 2015

Winner Boris Clinton

You’re kidding!!!” were the first words out of Boris Clinton’s mouth as he cracked open the door to see who kept ringing his doorbell at 11:00 in the morning.

“Are you Boris?” we asked — and he immediately recognized that we were the PCH Prize Patrol, waiting there to give him some money.  When we told him it was a $1 Million SuperPrize all he could say was “OMG, OMG,OMG!”

Boris is usually hard at work at this hour as a website designer.  But on Tuesday, June 30th he had gone back to bed after driving a friend to San Diego airport (45 minutes away) for an early morning flight.  Now he was wide awake!

In a follow up phone call the day after his win, Boris told us he woke up very early and had to go into the living room to see the roses, balloons and Big Check — just to make sure that what had happened Tuesday was not a crazy dream. Yep, they were still there.  This was no dream!


Boris’s family and friends, scattered across the U. S., are very happy for him. Hearing the good, almost unbelievable news, his dad said “Are you sure?”  Boris particularly wants to share the blessing with his mother who is in her 90’s.  He’d also like to invest in a new car — and who knows what else.  At this early stage there’s no rush.

Some people think our “winning moments” as seen on TV are rehearsed or that we notify winners in advance of our impending visit.  Well, think again!  As you can see in the video below, Boris came to the door half-naked.


He and many of our winners might say they would have liked a little warning so they could be dressed and ready for their national TV debuts. But trust me: our classic TV commercials would not be believable if they were staged.  Most wanna-be-winners agree and say “Just give me the Big Check — I don’t care how I look!!!”

Winner Boris Clinton

How about you?  I would suggest that you not think about what you will be wearing if and when the Prize Patrol comes to your door.  I can promise you that your surprise and happiness will make you look like a million bucks!  The main thing you should think about is entering the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes today and every day — just like Boris did.  Don’t delay.  Do it now!

Congratulations to our newest $1 Million winner Boris, and to the rest of you — the very best of luck.

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador