Meet Howie, Publishers Clearing House’s Good News Guy

Most days it seems like you can’t turn on your TV without being overwhelmed by bad news: murder, mayhem, civil unrest, interstate pile-ups, storms, scandals, natural disasters, international turmoil, financial woes. Yikes!!
Well, maybe you should change your viewing habits and discover some good news.
Meet Howie, our prize-witness good-news-caster. Well, some of you have “met” him before – you’ve probably seen him in our Howie Helps video series. He’s helped answer some of your most frequently asked questions like “How Are Publishers Clearing House Winners Selected?”, “What’s The Secret To Winning?”, “What To Search For On PCHSearch&Win” and “What Happens If The Prize Patrol Comes And You’re Not Home?” Now you can see why we call our video series “Howie Helps,” right?
Howie is full of helpful advice, some of which could lead you to really good news – like your winning a Big Check in the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes!
How come Howie is the guy to watch?
Because he’s been on many Prize Patrol surprise visits to PCH Sweepstakes winners’ homes as we deliver prizes worth thousands, even millions of dollars. He’s been there at the “winning moment” capturing the excitement, the thrill, the speechlessness, the wobbly legs, the tears, and personally interacting with these lucky folks. He’s seen the positive attitude all these winners have in common, their dedication to entering our sweepstakes every chance they get. That’s why you can trust him when he urges you to “Never give up” and “Never stop believing that you can win.”
So, if you want to win, we encourage you take Howie’s advice and enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes — today and every day.
You may be the next person that the Prize Patrol surprises with a Big Check. You might even meet Howie in person.
Wishing you the best of luck!
Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador