Meet May’s PCHSearch&Win Winners!

Last Updated: May 29, 2019

Hello friends and fans,

The lusty month of May, as they call it in Camelot, is almost over, and soon, June will be busting out all over, as they say in Carousel. What does that mean for you? It means we’ve got another month of winners at PCHSearch&Win …and another month of winners coming up!

With all of our focus on PCH’s big SuperPrizes — like $25,000.00 A Month For Life, ready for award during our June 30th Special Early Look Prize Event — I sometimes worry that people don’t realize that there are multiple winners at Publishers Clearing house every single day. So even if the Prize Patrol doesn’t come knocking with a “Big Check”, you can still win a prize!

One of the best things about PCHSearch&Win is that with your first search of the day, you DO get in to win our SuperPrize, along with getting in to win other prizes! Want an idea of what you could win? Here are our winners for the month of May:

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See how many people now call themselves PCH winners … and that’s just from PCHSearch&Win! And we have winners lists like this every single month, so now as May leaves, it just means there are more prizes that are ready to be awarded in June! If you want to see your name on the list, but sure to keep searching! With winners all across the country for all different prizes, winning can happen to anyone … as long as that person gets in to win!

Happy searching!


PCH Creative

PS: Keep an eye out for other ways to win at PCH! PCHPlay&Win gets a winners list each month on the blog, too!