Meet Rhonda Wagner, PCH’s New $1.25 Million Winner!

Last Updated: December 6, 2019

December 2nd was a chilly, drizzly day in Roseville, California. But that didn’t stop Rhonda Wagner from throwing open the front door – because through the screen-door she saw nothing but sunshine. Let’s face it, it’s always fair weather when the PCH Prize Patrol arrives – with roses, balloons and a Big Check! And we couldn’t be more thrilled than to introduce Rhonda as PCH’s New $1.25 Million winner!

For years Rhonda has played PCH games, entered our sweepstakes and seen those familiar PCH Prize Patrol faces on TV; but she was totally unprepared to see Danielle, Howie and yours truly (Dave) in person. And when she saw her name and $1,250,000 on the Big Check she started shaking. “No kidding! OMG! OMG!”

How could something so unbelievable be happening?!? Only minutes before Rhonda had been doing such an ordinary thing: grocery shopping! Well, she can now shop for a lot more than groceries! And she can start planning a vacation in Hawaii that she has always wanted to take.

But first on her list of things to do is to help her family – which includes “two wonderful [adult] children” who are on “Cloud 9” with joy for their mother, three grandchildren and her parents. Most of all Rhonda is welcoming the comfort and financial security she wasn’t sure she’d have as a widow and retired state employee.

Does this relaxed way of life sound good to you? Would you love to be able to help your family and splurge on things like vacations you thought you’d never be able to enjoy? PCH’s new $1.25 Million winner would advise you to do the following: Enter the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every chance you get, and maybe the next door the PCH Prize Patrol knocks on will be yours!

Wishing you happy holidays and the best of luck in the new year.

Dave Sayer
PCH Prize Patrol Ambassador