Mission Impossible? More Like Mission Possible!

Last Updated: March 6, 2015

When we say the Prize Patrol does WHATEVER it takes to find a winner, we’re not kidding! The Prize Patrol often works as detectives, using any and all clues to track down winners. Mission impossible? More like mission possible for the Prize Patrol!

Last week, Danielle Lam and I were on the road surprising the $20,000 and $10,000 Prize Days winners, and it sure was an adventure!

On our first day, we headed to Dayton, Ohio to surprise Lisa Tangeman with $20,000! And, yes, you guessed it – she was not home. After surveying some neighbors, we weren’t left with much information. Mission impossible? No way! I whipped out my iPhone and began scouring the Internet.  I managed to find a Mark Tangeman from the Dayton area. We called his company and what do you know? It was Lisa’s husband!

Mark was a wonderful accomplice in our mission to find a winner. He found out she was out doing some errands, and told her to return home because a new lawn mower was being delivered. Then he left work and rushed home to get in on the fun!

We parked around the corner and waited – like we were in a stake out. When Lisa arrived, we received the “go-ahead” from Mark and swooped in. Lisa was shocked! As it turns out, she was just about to give up hope on PCH, thinking there was no way we would ever show up on her doorstep. Well, she hung on for long enough – long enough to win $20,000! Mission possible!

Next up, our $10,000 winner in Norfolk, VA: Carol Copeland! When we got to Carol’s house Wednesday morning, surprise, surprise, she was not there! Mission impossible? Think again! Thankfully, Carol’s neighbors and fellow employees of her school district led us to her school in Norfolk. Her principal Dr. White was so excited about Carol’s win and helped us plan a wonderful surprise. She cunningly escorted us to Carol’s Pre-K classroom…and in we went!

Carol’s screams could be heard around the school as Danielle presented her with the Big Check. Dr. White then organized an impromptu parade in the hallway, during which all of the children and teachers applauded Carol as she walked around the school. But the fun didn’t stop there! Then there was a celebration in the auditorium. Carol told everyone that she always had faith the Prize Patrol would surprise her … but she NEVER thought they’d appear at her JOB! What can I say … mission possible!


Where will the Prize Patrol find a winner next? Stay tuned to find out. Dave Sayer will be on the road delivering more prizes this week … and one thing’s for sure: he’s going to make it another MISSION POSSIBLE!

Laura @ PCH