Motivational Monday: Only You Can Control Your Future

That’s such a serious statement, coming from the author of some of the most popular children’s books of all time … someone who has been making children (and adults) laugh out loud for generations. Hmmm. It makes me want to seriously think about what Dr. Seuss really meant by “Only You Can Control Your Future”.
I guess what he means is that we are solely responsible for what happens next in our lives. And if that means working hard toward reaching a goal in the future, then the outcome will depend strictly upon the steps we alone can take to make it happen. How do you control your future? By taking ownership and never blaming anyone or anything else that might get in the way of achieving success. In the end, what Dr. Seuss is saying is that the control is in our hands, even though we may not realize it, and feel like just giving up.
Persistence Can Really Pay Off!
By the way, did you know that 27 publishers rejected Dr. Seuss’s first book before it was finally accepted and published to wide acclaim? I suppose he knew a thing or two about how determination and perseverance can conquer all!
We hear from our winners all the time about how persistence paid off for them with a BIG win. We’ve heard stories about how they kept the faith and believed in themselves the whole time they were entering to win, no matter what their friends and family were saying. The story of Tamar Howard comes to mind. She won $5,000 A Week “Forever” by entering every chance she got. She tells us she ignored her neighbors, her daughters, even her mom, who told her she was wasting her time, and just kept at it until the Prize Patrol came knocking on her door!
Read The PCH Blog For Inspiration!
There’s no better place than right here for the inspiration you need to stay in it to win it! It’s here you can read about our past winners and the valuable advice they have to share. Read the comments section and get to know our lively community of wishers and dreamers with high hopes for a better future! Or get the latest news about all of the exciting winning opportunities we have for you.
Speaking of which, now is the time to get your entries in for our imminent, guaranteed-to-be-awarded “Forever” prize. We’ll soon be turning someone into a multi-millionaire with this incredible lifetime prize on Friday, February 23rd! The lucky winner gets $5,000 A Week For Life and after that $5,000 A Week Life for someone they choose. Don’t miss out on this one! Now’s the time to stay strong, stay focused, and enter every day and in every way you can to maximize your entries! I’d say that’s one positive step toward controlling your future!
Jane M.
PCH Creative