Motivational Monday: Do It Now – Enter The PCH Sweepstakes!

Welcome to another Motivational Monday! The message for today is to stop procrastinating about entering to win a PCH Sweepstakes that could change your life — stop thinking about HOW you’re going to do it, and just start DOING it. I think that’s what pioneer female pilot Amelia Earhart meant by saying “The most effective way to do it, is to do it.”
I’m going to share with you a valuable lesson I learned in the 4th grade. I remember we were given a school project. The assignment was to create a globe of the world showing all of the continents and then bring it in for show and tell. Being a bit of a perfectionist (and a model student!), I panicked. I mean, I was paralyzed with fear that I wouldn’t succeed and I put this project off until the last minute, a Sunday night. I’ve never been much of an artist and can’t draw anything but stick figures (I guess I didn’t inherit my father’s artistic talent). I was convinced that I was just NOT capable of doing it.
Thinking back on it, I’m sure it was the last thing my Dad wanted to be doing on a Sunday night, but I finally asked him for some help. First, he started to show me how to do it … then he thought better of it and started to outline all of the continents on a big, round softball. Then he filled in the oceans with a lovely blue paint. The finished product was a work of art, but I couldn’t take credit for it, and that’s where the big lesson came in.
The next day after show and tell, the teacher took me aside and lectured me about having someone else do my own work. She could obviously tell that this beautiful globe wasn’t created by 10-year-old me! I have to admit, my Dad was also a perfectionist and never attempted a project unless it was done the right way and to his own high standards (in other words, perfectly). The running joke was that this was the reason nothing every got done around the house!
My teacher taught me that my schoolwork didn’t NEED to be PERFECT, but it needed to be MINE and that I shouldn’t put so much pressure on myself. The reason for the assignment was so that we would learn some geography by doing the project ourselves, and having someone else do it defeated the whole purpose! I was mortified, but the takeaway from that talk was something I’ve never forgotten to this day. Talk about a Motivational Monday for me! Actually, I can’t believe it has become the subject of a blog that I’m sharing with all of you!
And how does this inspirational quote from Amelia Earhart pertain to all of you out there who are in to win a PCH Sweepstakes? Instead of using a “woulda, coulda, shoulda” excuse about why you haven’t gotten around to entering to win at PCH.
every chance you get, JUST DO IT and it will get done. Stop thinking about how you are going to find the time to do it … or procrastinating and saying you’ll get to it tomorrow … the time is NOW to get started. If there is just one takeaway from this Motivational Monday, it’s to just give it your best shot. You don’t have to be perfect, just take a step forward and start today and it will get done! And should your efforts pay off with BIG money as a PCH Sweepstakes winner, the rewards would be so worth it!
Jane M.
PCH Creative