Motivational Monday: Does Dr. King’s Famous Quote Inspire You?

Today we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, and it’s the perfect way to kick off the week with a fitting Motivational Monday blog about the importance of believing in a dream.
This inspirational leader had a vision for all Americans when he spoke these words on August 28, 1963, paving the way to help everyone truly enjoy the American dream. It’s hard to believe that his March on Washington, DC happened over 50 years ago! But the message still rings true for Americans of all races, creeds and colors to stand united and put an end to discrimination.
This famous quote also serves to remind each and every one of us to dream big and to follow that dream no matter what! Dr. King’s message is all about keeping the faith, the power of perseverance, and having hope for a better tomorrow. His dream changed the world forever. But all of our dreams, big or small, have the power to transform.
Well, I’m here to remind you that dreams DO come true and prayers ARE answered at PCH for those who enter to win the incredible number of prizes we award every year. In fact, we’ve awarded $315 Million in prizes to date and that number keeps on growing every day! Our long list of winners is a true testament to the power of never giving up on a dream — and then one day being rewarded with a visit from the PCH Prize Patrol!
Speaking of keeping the faith, you should know that another big prize is around the corner. And this time, the dream to hold onto is winning $5,000.00 A Week “Forever” . Win the Prize that keeps on giving with LIFETIME WEEKLY PAYMENTS for yourself PLUS, after that, lifetime weekly payments that would continue on for a special someone you choose. The “Forever” SuperPrize is guaranteed to be awarded on February 24th, so enter daily and you could become our next Big Winner! In other words, your dream could change your world forever!
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! And don’t forget to STAY IN IT TO WIN IT!
Jane M.
PCH Creative
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