Motivational Monday: How Winning Could Help YOU Make A Difference!

Last Updated: December 8, 2015

Motivational Monday is here again! Time sure does fly. Last week we visited with some of our past winners to see how their big prizes had changed their lives for the better. I hope it was very inspirational for all of you, and fun to read.  Isn’t it fascinating to see how winning a big prize can give anyone the money, freedom and opportunity to enjoy all that life has to offer? Whether that means a new home, a new car, travels far and wide, or taking up a hobby they’ve longed to pursue, the possibilities can be endless!

But this blog is all about how you could change other people’s lives, too, once you finally had the money to do it. Sure, we all wish we could make someone else’s life easier when we see that he or she is struggling. It’s not easy to just stand by helplessly, when we know we could help them, if only we had the money.

Now I want to share some stories from our PCH Sweepstakes winners to show you just how much of a difference they’ve been able to make, not just in their own lives, but in other people’s lives, too!

LeRoy Faulks PCH Winner

Leroy Faulks, Sr. comes to mind immediately. He won our Mega Prize of $1 Million All At Once PLUS $5,000 A Week For Life! He likes to say, “I’m set for life” and is able to take lots of pleasure cruises now with his sweet wife Cecilia (who was volunteering at a local soup kitchen when the Prize Patrol arrived with his Big Check!)  He’s so happy to report: “We donate money all the time. We give to St. JudeSickle Cell Anemia foundations, the American Cancer Society, churches, our local soup kitchen. In fact, last year we were visiting a youth program in Jacksonville, and we loved what they were doing so much we gave them $500.00 on the spot. It was just such a good feeling to be able to help spontaneously like that.” They also financially assist family members when they need it. And with 8 grandchildren and 8 more great-grandchildren, that certainly adds up!

I think we all dream about saving enough to help out our children after we’re gone. That’s just what happened in one day to Tamar Howard when she won our $5,000 A Week “Forever” Prize!

Tamar Howard PCH Winner

Her lucky windfall not only gives her weekly checks of $5,000 each, but she got to choose a beneficiary to receive $5,000 weekly checks after that! In this case, Tamar chose her eldest daughter, who will be attending college in the near future.  This is one huge prize that truly keeps on giving! In fact, she says  “The first two things I thought about doing were buying a house and then helping my three daughters with college tuition.” We’re sure that she and her family will be well taken care of now and in the future!

Gerard Rivera PCH Winner

What about Philadelphia winner Gerard Rivera? He won $1.25 Million through PCHLotto.  Gerard’s life’s mission had always been to help others, and he had been employed as a health aid worker. But an illness forced him to take a leave of absence, and his financial situation was grim. His big win couldn’t have come at a better time! He moved to Florida and says,  “I wanted to be really smart with my money. I didn’t go on any crazy vacations. I started my own company and bought an apartment building. That’s where I live, and I work on taking care of my tenants. Things are so much better now!” Helping others is still a big part of his life and he hopes that others will be blessed like him. He hopes to see the Prize Patrol again, but this time “I’d love for them to come to my apartment building and give a big prize to one of my tenants.”

What about you? Would you help others if you won a BIG prize from Publishers Clearing House? Is there someone in your life who needs a helping hand? Or do you have a favorite charity in mind? Let us know in the comments section below.

Jane M.
PCH Creative Dept.

P.S. Don’t forget to enter every chance you get to win our incredible SuperPrize Event coming in just a few weeks.  Don’t miss any chance to go for our “Double The Cash” $10,000.00 A Week For Life prize – remember, that’s DOUBLE our standard weekly prize. This Special Early Look Prize Event is happening THIS December, so be sure to get in as many entries as you can. Remember, we’ll definitely award a $1 Million prize in a second chance drawing on 12/30/15 if there’s no match to the winning number.